Compare, Compare, Compare those bits!
Hello Members!
I would like to ask for your help in understanding a SX instruction.
I am new to the SX instruction set and the SX28 chip
I have had no problem usings·the CJE·instruction when comparing bytes of data.
I do not however understand comparing bits.
Example: mov w,·rb.0· Now the working register has not only my bit 0 but also bits 1-7.
Moving on, lets say that the other bits are changing due to outside events
Now comes the CJE instruction.
Example: cje w, #%XXXXXXX1, Jump_Somewhere
Question: Am i only comparing bit 0 or all 8 bits.
If this is comparing all 8 bits or the byte, how would you just compare a single bit in that byte with the other bits· changing.
Like cje rb.0, #%1, Jump_Somewhere
Thanks for any help in understanding!
Ted Schafer
I would like to ask for your help in understanding a SX instruction.
I am new to the SX instruction set and the SX28 chip
I have had no problem usings·the CJE·instruction when comparing bytes of data.
I do not however understand comparing bits.
Example: mov w,·rb.0· Now the working register has not only my bit 0 but also bits 1-7.
Moving on, lets say that the other bits are changing due to outside events
Now comes the CJE instruction.
Example: cje w, #%XXXXXXX1, Jump_Somewhere
Question: Am i only comparing bit 0 or all 8 bits.
If this is comparing all 8 bits or the byte, how would you just compare a single bit in that byte with the other bits· changing.
Like cje rb.0, #%1, Jump_Somewhere
Thanks for any help in understanding!

Ted Schafer
I believe what you need to do is called bit masking.
Set up a temporary storage called rb0m (rb.0 memory)
rb0m ds 1 ;1 byte for temp storage
mov w,rb.0 ;w now holds rb.0
mov rb0m,w ;rb0m now has status of rb.0
and rb0m,#%00000001 ;this line performs bitwise AND on rb0m and %00000001
cje rb0m,#%00000001 ;compare bit 1 of rb.0 with 1, jump if equal
I used binary to hopefully illustrate that you can easily mask any bit, or combination of bits.
Post Edited (KenM) : 6/3/2005 2:37:35 PM GMT
··· SNB RB.0
··· JMP Somewhere
If the bit is set (what you're looking for), the SNB instruction will fail and the code will drop to the jump, otherwise the jump gets skipped.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Post Edited (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 6/3/2005 2:43:40 PM GMT
To do more than one bit at a time, bit masking as previously described.
snb rb.0
Post Edited (KenM) : 6/3/2005 2:48:43 PM GMT
JB RB.0,Somewhere ; Jump if bit is set
JNB RB.0,Somewhere ; Jump if bit is NOT set
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"It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got."
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I got a lot of playing to do now that I understand this better!
Ted Schafer
Why does "MOV LEDS, #0 " fire off in the debuger.
IrCurrentState and IrLastState are both zero.
you can't use CLRB instructions to clear byte variables like IrCurrentState and IrLastState - use CLR instructions instead. CLRB is used to clear a single bit in a register. Usually, CLRB should be used with a bit number, like in
CLRB IrCurrentState.0
to clear the lowest bit, for example. As SASM does not complain about the missing bit number, I think it assumes a default bit but I don't remember which one.
You should also use the MOVB instruction together with a bit number. Instead of
MOVB IrCurrentState, PinIr
you should use something like
MOVB IrCurrentState.0, PinIr
MOVB IrLastState, IrCurrentState
does not specify which bits shall be moved - use something like
MOVB IrLastState.0, IrCurrentState.0
or, when you want to copy all bits from IrCurrentState to IrLastState use
MOV IrLastState, IrCurrentState
Greetings from Germany,
CJE is not really for a bit variable (like IrCurrentState). Plus in your post you don't have the required label on the CJE line.
This code will work to compare bits in position 0 and 1:
MOV W,>>IrState
XOR W,IrState
AND W,#1
JZ BitsAreEqual
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got."
Although in some twisted way I am enjoying not knowing what
I am doing when it comes to programming.
Been a long time since I learned a new programming language
First to Gunther:
You say "CLRB should be used with a bit number, like in CLRB IrCurrentState.0".
I thought that was what I am doing.
From the code:
IrState DS 1
IrCurrentState DS IrState.0
IrLastState DS IrState.1
You say I should use something like IrState.0.
By declaring:
IrCurrentState DS IrState.0
Does not IrCurrentState equate to IrState.0.
Oh, man I see it now, it should be:
IrCurrentState EQU IrState.0
Bean, thanks for the snippet.
Your code is working with bytes, if the above is correct then it
does not apply, right?
I get now, thank you.