Surface mount 101?
I have never used/played with/done any surface mount soldering....
How does one 'begin' surface mounting? I've heard it said that you *can* hand solder anything that can be surface mounted, is this true? (Maybe not very fun to do, but true?)
Where should I start?
How does one 'begin' surface mounting? I've heard it said that you *can* hand solder anything that can be surface mounted, is this true? (Maybe not very fun to do, but true?)
Where should I start?
Sid Weaver
Need a bezel for your LCD?
If your interested in the other methods I can point you to some references.
Oh yeah one final thing, alignment of the chip is critical, especially with the finer pitch chips. Some people tack down opposite cornered pins before soldering the remaining pins. I just hold the chip firmly in place, quadruple check each side for alignment then solder one side of the chip,·I found it was faster and produced equivalent results.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 6/1/2005 7:50:19 PM GMT
also, there are several Surface Mount Soldering Tutorials From SparkFun
Solder Paste Stenciling - How to apply solder paste with a $35 stencil.
Reflow Skillet - Reflowing trickier PCBs with a $30 hot plate!
Reflow Toaster - Attempting to reflow PCBs with a toaster oven.