Professional Development Board: Invalid Port when using USB
I get 'Invalid COM port' when I try to connect to the Basic Stamp using the USB miniature port that is provided on the PDB.
The new USB device was detected correctly by Windows and driver installation and software was successful.
The USB·port is installed on my PC as COM10.
On the device list in Basic Stamp Editor I see both COM1 and COM10, but in COM10 there is a legend that says 'Invalid Port'.
The columns Version, Loopback and Echo stay blank on COM10.
If I connect to the PDB using the COM1 instead I get the right stamp identification on port COM1.
I cannot find any jumper or setting to·select the·use of USB port on PDB.
Anyone knows about this problem ?
The new USB device was detected correctly by Windows and driver installation and software was successful.
The USB·port is installed on my PC as COM10.
On the device list in Basic Stamp Editor I see both COM1 and COM10, but in COM10 there is a legend that says 'Invalid Port'.
The columns Version, Loopback and Echo stay blank on COM10.
If I connect to the PDB using the COM1 instead I get the right stamp identification on port COM1.
I cannot find any jumper or setting to·select the·use of USB port on PDB.
Anyone knows about this problem ?
VCP driver installation instructions:
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
John, I have tried with·the serial COM plugged and unplugged. It does the same thing. Note however that I would like to have·the USB connected to BasicStamp and the COM1 plugged to SX-Key at the same time. Is this advisable/possible ?
The default installation for serial USB·works with other FTDI devices I have (and I have·more than a couple·of them). I think perhaps the driver is not right for the USB on PDB?.·The PDB board does not·come with drivers. Is there any specific FTDI driver version·should I use·?
You can get the latest VCP driver from this link:
Once installed (you should manually uninstall the old driver first) you wont' have any troubles with any Parallax USB products -- we use the same FTDI chip in all of our products.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
···The newest version of the Stamp Editor software supports the higher COM Ports, and can be downloaded from our website.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support