Simple Networking problems
Posts: 4
·I'm using 5 BS2's to create a RS-485 Network. The network seems to be behaving properly but we are having problems with our switch signals being recognized by the Stamps. We are trying to set up a simple call system for our client in which there are 3 signals types being transmitted. Alert and Reset from the slaves to the Master; Acknowledge from the Master to the Slaves. If all buttons are pressed in proper order (alert, acknowledge, reset) the system seems to work well. However if buttons are pressed out of sync then the system "locks up" and nothing works unless the system is restarted.
·If anyone could look at the code and see if they can help our design team out it would be greatly appriciated. I am wondering if there·may be·an error with the way the BUTTON command is used.
Attached are circuit diagrams for the Master and a Slave as well as the code for each.
·If anyone could look at the code and see if they can help our design team out it would be greatly appriciated. I am wondering if there·may be·an error with the way the BUTTON command is used.
Attached are circuit diagrams for the Master and a Slave as well as the code for each.
'------------Master Program---------------------- '------------------------------------------------ 'Declare Constants serDir CON 0 'Pin 0 is for Serial Transmission serIO CON 1 'Pin 1 controls the transmitter 0=listen 1=talk Multiplex_A CON 3 'First pin of the multiplexer Multiplex_B CON 4 'Second Pin Multiplex_C CON 5 'Third Multiplex_D CON 6 'Fourth MultiplexClock CON 7 'On/Off switch for multiplexer MultiplexToggle CON 8 'Switch between Multiplexers 0 = A, 1 = B FlipFlopClock CON 9 'Clock Pulse for flip flops ClearButton CON 12 'Clears the Button State AcknowledgeButton CON 13 'Push Button Input n2400 CON 16780 'Baud Rate tilde CON "~" 'Start of transmission Character Room1ID CON "A" Room2ID CON "B" Room3ID CON "C" Room4ID CON "D" 'Room5ID CON "E" 'Not included in our design 'Room6ID CON "F" 'Not included in our design 'Room7ID CON "G" 'Not included in our design 'Room8ID CON "H" 'Not included in our design '------------------------------------------------ 'Declare INPUTS and OUTPUTS INPUT AcknowledgeButton 'Input Button OUTPUT Multiplex_A OUTPUT Multiplex_B OUTPUT Multiplex_C OUTPUT Multiplex_D OUTPUT MultiplexClock OUTPUT MultiplexToggle OUTPUT ClearButton OUTPUT FlipFlopClock '------------------------------------------------- 'Declare Variables RoomAddress VAR Byte AcknowledgeFlag VAR Bit Room1Flag VAR Bit Room2Flag VAR Bit Room3Flag VAR Bit Room4Flag VAR Bit 'Room5Flag VAR Bit 'Room6Flag VAR Bit 'Room7Flag VAR Bit 'Room8Flag VAR Bit skeet VAR Word DataBit VAR skeet.BIT0 AlertBit VAR skeet.BIT1 EmergencyBit VAR skeet.BIT2 AcknowledgeBit VAR skeet.BIT3 ResetBit VAR skeet.BIT4 buttonworkspace VAR Byte LightDisplay VAR Word index VAR Byte '-------------------------------------------------- '--------------MAIN-------------------------------- DEBUG "Top of the Program",CR,CR HIGH ClearButton LOW MultiplexToggle HIGH FlipFlopClock Start: FOR RoomAddress = "A" TO "B" skeet=%10000000 HIGH serDir: DEBUG "Room Address = ", RoomAddress,CR,"Skeet out = ",BIN skeet,CR SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, RoomAddress, skeet, "."] LOW serDir SERIN serIO, n2400, 2000, Next_Room, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT (tilde, RoomAddress), skeet] PAUSE 20 DEBUG "Skeet in = ", BIN skeet,CR IF DataBit = 1 THEN DEBUG "Data Bit = 1",CR GOTO Set_Room_Flag: ELSEIF AcknowledgeFlag = 1 THEN DEBUG "Acknowledge Flag = 1",CR GOTO Local_Subroutine: ELSE GOTO Next_Room: ENDIF Next_Room: PAUSE 20 DEBUG CR,"Next Room:",CR NEXT GOTO Start: '----------End of Main Program----------------- '----------Set Room Flags-------------------------- Set_Room_Flag: PAUSE 20 IF RoomAddress = "A" THEN Room1Flag = 1 ' DEBUG "Room 1 Flag is set",CR GOTO Check_Bits: ELSEIF RoomAddress = "B" THEN ' DEBUG "Room 2 Flag is set",CR Room2Flag = 1 GOTO Check_Bits: ELSEIF RoomAddress = "C" THEN ' DEBUG "Room 3 Flag is set",CR Room3Flag = 1 GOTO Check_Bits: ELSEIF RoomAddress = "D" THEN ' DEBUG "Room 4 Flag is set",CR Room4Flag = 1 GOTO Check_Bits: ELSE ' DEBUG "DataBit = 1 but error setting Room Flag",CR GOTO Next_Room: ENDIF '---------------------------------------------------- '----------Check Bits-------------------------------- Check_Bits: DEBUG "Check Bits = ", BIN skeet, CR IF AlertBit = 1 THEN DEBUG "Alert Bit = 1, Acknowledge Flag Set",CR AcknowledgeFlag = 1 GOTO Alert_LED: ELSEIF ResetBit = 1 THEN DEBUG "Reset Bit = 1, Acknowledge Flag Clear",CR AcknowledgeFlag = 0 GOTO Reset_LED: ELSE ' DEBUG "Data Bit Set but Alert Bit and Reset Bit were not",CR ' DEBUG "Going to the Next Room",CR GOTO Next_Room: ENDIF '------------------------------------------------------ '-----------Set Multiplexer Code for Alert------------- Alert_LED: IF Room1Flag = 1 THEN HIGH MultiplexClock HIGH Multiplex_D HIGH Multiplex_C LOW Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 1: Alert",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = 1101",CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock: ELSEIF Room2Flag = 1 THEN HIGH MultiplexClock HIGH Multiplex_D LOW Multiplex_C LOW Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 2: Alert",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = 1100",CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock ELSEIF Room3Flag = 1 THEN HIGH MultiplexClock LOW Multiplex_D HIGH Multiplex_C LOW Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 3: Alert",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock ELSE HIGH MultiplexClock LOW Multiplex_D LOW Multiplex_C LOW Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 4: Alert",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock ENDIF '--------------------------------------------------------------- '------------Set Code for Reset--------------------------------- Reset_LED: IF Room1Flag = 1 THEN Room1Flag = 0 HIGH MultiplexClock HIGH Multiplex_D HIGH Multiplex_C HIGH Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 1: Reset",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock: ELSEIF Room2Flag = 1 THEN Room2Flag = 0 HIGH MultiplexClock HIGH Multiplex_D LOW Multiplex_C HIGH Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 2: Reset",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock ELSEIF Room3Flag = 1 THEN Room3Flag = 0 HIGH MultiplexClock LOW Multiplex_D HIGH Multiplex_C HIGH Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 3: Reset",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock ELSE Room4Flag = 0 HIGH MultiplexClock LOW Multiplex_D LOW Multiplex_C HIGH Multiplex_B HIGH Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 4: Reset",CR, "Multiplexer Pins = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 GOTO LED_Clock ENDIF '--------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------Turn on the Lights-------------------------------- LED_Clock: LOW MultiplexClock PAUSE 50 LOW FlipFlopClock HIGH FlipFlopClock PAUSE 50 HIGH MultiplexClock DEBUG "Multiplexer has been clocked, so LEDs should turn on or off",CR GOTO Local_Subroutine '---------------------------------------------------------------- '---Check The State Of Acknowledge Button------------------------ Local_Subroutine: DEBUG "Check the Button State",CR BUTTON AcknowledgeButton, 0, 255, 0, buttonworkspace, 1, Room_1_Ack: DEBUG "Button NOT Pressed",CR GOTO Next_Room: Room_1_Ack: IF Room1Flag = 1 THEN Room1Flag = 0 AcknowledgeBit = 1 LOW ClearButton HIGH ClearButton HIGH MultiplexClock HIGH Multiplex_D HIGH Multiplex_C LOW Multiplex_B LOW Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 1: Acknowledge",CR, "Multiplexer Code = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 LOW MultiplexClock PAUSE 50 LOW FlipFlopClock HIGH FlipFlopClock PAUSE 50 HIGH MultiplexClock DEBUG "Sending out Skeet = ", BIN skeet, CR, "To Room ", Room1ID,CR HIGH serDir: SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, Room1ID, skeet] LOW serDir SERIN serIO, n2400, 2000, Room_2_Ack, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT (tilde, Room1ID)] DEBUG "Acknowledge Recieved",CR,CR PAUSE 50 AcknowledgeBit = 0 GOTO Room_2_Ack: ENDIF Room_2_Ack: IF Room2Flag = 1 THEN Room2Flag = 0 AcknowledgeBit = 1 LOW ClearButton HIGH ClearButton HIGH MultiplexClock HIGH Multiplex_D LOW Multiplex_C LOW Multiplex_B LOW Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 1: Acknowledge",CR, "Multiplexer Code = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR PAUSE 50 LOW MultiplexClock PAUSE 50 LOW FlipFlopClock HIGH FlipFlopClock PAUSE 50 HIGH MultiplexClock DEBUG "Sending out Skeet = ", BIN skeet, CR, "To Room ", Room2ID,CR HIGH serDir SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, Room2ID, skeet] LOW serDir SERIN serIO, n2400, 2000, Error, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT (tilde, Room2ID)] DEBUG "Acknowledge Recieved",CR,CR Error: PAUSE 50 AcknowledgeBit = 0 ENDIF GOTO Next_Room: 'Room_3_Ack: 'IF Room3Flag = 1 THEN ' Room3Flag = 0 ' AcknowledgeBit = 1 ' LOW ClearButton ' HIGH ClearButton ' HIGH MultiplexClock ' LOW Multiplex_D ' HIGH Multiplex_C ' LOW Multiplex_B ' LOW Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 3: Acknowledge",CR, "Multiplexer Code = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR ' PAUSE 50 ' LOW MultiplexClock ' PAUSE 50 ' LOW FlipFlopClock ' HIGH FlipFlopClock ' LOW FlipFlopClock ' PAUSE 50 ' HIGH MultiplexClock ' DEBUG "Sending out Skeet = ", BIN skeet, CR, "To Room ", Room3ID,CR ' HIGH serDir: ' SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, Room3ID, skeet,"."] ' LOW serDir ' SERIN serIO, n2400, 5000, Room_4_Ack, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT (tilde, Room3ID)] ' DEBUG "Acknowledge Recieved",CR,CR ' PAUSE 50 ' AcknowledgeBit = 0 'ENDIF 'Room_4_Ack: 'IF Room4Flag = 1 THEN ' Room4Flag = 0 ' AcknowledgeBit = 1 ' LOW ClearButton ' HIGH ClearButton ' HIGH MultiplexClock ' LOW Multiplex_D ' LOW Multiplex_C ' LOW Multiplex_B ' LOW Multiplex_A ' DEBUG "Room 4: Acknowledge",CR, "Multiplexer Code = ", BIN LightDisplay,CR ' PAUSE 50 ' LOW MultiplexClock ' PAUSE 50 ' LOW FlipFlopClock ' HIGH FlipFlopClock ' LOW FlipFlopClock ' PAUSE 50 ' HIGH MultiplexClock ' DEBUG "Sending out Skeet = ", BIN skeet, CR, "To Room ", Room4ID,CR ' HIGH serDir: ' SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, Room4ID, skeet,"."] ' LOW serDir ' SERIN serIO, n2400, 20000, Next_Room, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT (tilde, Room4ID)] ' DEBUG "Acknowledge Recieved",CR,CR ' PAUSE 50 ' AcknowledgeBit =
' Slave Program 'Declare Constants----------------------------------------- serDir CON 0 serIO CON 1 EmergencyLED CON 4 AcknowledgeLED CON 5 AlertLED CON 8 ResetButton CON 11 ClearReset CON 12 ClearAlert CON 13 AlertButton CON 14 myID CON "A" n2400 CON 16780 tilde CON "~" 'Declare Inputs and Outputs-------------------------------- INPUT AlertButton INPUT ResetButton OUTPUT AlertLED OUTPUT AcknowledgeLED OUTPUT ClearAlert OUTPUT ClearReset 'Declare Variables------------------------------------------ alertworkspace VAR Byte resetworkspace VAR Byte emergencyworkspace VAR Byte skeet VAR Word DataBit VAR skeet.BIT0 AlertBit VAR skeet.BIT1 EmergencyBit VAR skeet.BIT2 AcknowledgeBit VAR skeet.BIT3 ResetBit VAR skeet.BIT4 '------------------------Main Program--------------------- HIGH ClearAlert HIGH ClearReset skeet = %10000000 alertworkspace = 0 resetworkspace = 0 Main: DEBUG "Waiting for skeet from master",CR,CR LOW serDir SERIN serIO, n2400, 1000, Main, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT (tilde, myID), skeet] PAUSE 50 DEBUG "Skeet IN = ", BIN skeet,CR IF AcknowledgeBit=1 THEN DEBUG "Acknowledge Bit = 1",CR HIGH AcknowledgeLED HIGH serDir SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, myID, "."] PAUSE 50 LOW serDir GOTO Main ELSE DEBUG "Acknowledge Bit = 0",CR GOTO Reset_Check: ENDIF Send_Data: DEBUG "Skeet OUT = ", BIN skeet, CR HIGH serDir SEROUT serIO, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]tilde, myID, skeet, "."] LOW serDir GOTO Main '-----------------------Subroutine------------------------ Reset_Check: BUTTON ResetButton, 0, 255, 0, resetworkspace, 1, Reset_On: DEBUG "Reset Button was NOT pushed",CR PAUSE 20 Alert_Check: BUTTON AlertButton, 0, 255, 0, alertworkspace, 1, Alert_On: DEBUG "Alert Button was NOT pushed",CR PAUSE 20 IF AlertBit = 0 AND ResetBit = 0 THEN GOTO No_Data: ELSE GOTO Send_Data: ENDIF Reset_On: DEBUG "Reset Button WAS Pressed",CR LOW AcknowledgeLED LOW AlertLED ResetBit = 1 DataBit = 1 LOW ClearReset HIGH ClearReset GOTO Alert_Check: Alert_On: DEBUG "Alert Button WAS Pressed",CR HIGH AlertLED DataBit = 1 AlertBit = 1 LOW ClearAlert HIGH ClearAlert Priority_Check: IF ResetBit = 1 AND AlertBit = 1 THEN DEBUG "Reset and Alert were both ACTIVE, Reset =1, Alert =0",CR LOW AlertLED ResetBit = 1 AlertBit = 0 DataBit = 1 ENDIF GOTO Send_Data: No_Data: DEBUG "No buttons pressed", CR,CR DataBit = 0 GOTO Send_Data:
· btns = %1111···················' assume pressed
· FOR idx = 1 TO 10
··· btns = btns & ~INA···········' update button state
··· PAUSE 5······················' debounce delay
This routine assumes that we have four active-low buttons (remove the ~ for active-high) buttons on P0 - P3.·· It starts by assuming the buttons are pressed, then loops through ANDing the current inputs with the button state.· If a button ever bounces (gets released) that bit will be cleared; in the end this routine ensures that the button(s) are pressed and held for the entire duration of the routine.
A common request lately is to "one-shot" the buttons, that is, you only want to know when a button transitions from off-to-on.· Here's a pretty neat trick from our pal, Dr. Tracy Allen:
· btns = %1111·················· ' assume pressed
· FOR idx = 1 TO 10
··· btns = btns & ~INA·········· ' update button state
··· PAUSE 5····················· ' debounce delay
· xBtns = btns·^ oBtns & bnts··· ' report 0-to-1
· oBtns = btns·················· ' save old state
With this, a "1" in xBtns indicates that the button transitioned from 0-to-1 between scans.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
· btns = %1111·················· ' assume pressed
· FOR idx = 1 TO 10
··· btns = btns & ~INA·········· ' update button state
··· PAUSE 5····················· ' debounce delay
I tried to implement this into my program and there is no response to a button being pressed. The buttons are ran thru a latch so that once they are pressed they should remain in the ON-state until the program recognizes them and resets them. So making sure that the switch is in the desired state shouldn't be a problem. I am using just two active low switches on P14 and P15 and have been trying variations of the sample code you sent me but am still unable to get it ironed out. I changed the INA part to IND to take care of the different pin use.
Thanks for your help so far and hopefully I am just implementing it incorrectly. If anyone has any further comments or suggestions I would be willing to try about anything to get this project working.
Post Edited (ABaylog) : 5/31/2005 10:55:02 PM GMT
· IF (SomeBtn = TargetState) THEN
··· ' do something
On another topic, if you've not committed to your hardware design you can certainly simplify your master circuit and code by using two 74HC595 shift registers instead of the 'LS154 and the 'LS175s that you've got in your current design.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax