New Parallax Hire: Beau Schwabe
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,401
Hello customers and friends,
One of our long-term customers has been hired as a full-time employee·for Parallax. Most recently, Beau Schwabe·worked as a Mask Designer for National Semiconductor. He's been·a Parallax customer as long as I can remember - maybe even back·when we released of our first BASIC Stamp. Users of this forum (and our prior e-Groups, YahooGroups and BBS systems) have probably communicated with Beau.
Beau will be working on an R&D project for Parallax, but from his current residence in Georgia.
Welcome Beau! You can change your signature now!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
One of our long-term customers has been hired as a full-time employee·for Parallax. Most recently, Beau Schwabe·worked as a Mask Designer for National Semiconductor. He's been·a Parallax customer as long as I can remember - maybe even back·when we released of our first BASIC Stamp. Users of this forum (and our prior e-Groups, YahooGroups and BBS systems) have probably communicated with Beau.
Beau will be working on an R&D project for Parallax, but from his current residence in Georgia.
Welcome Beau! You can change your signature now!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.