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help needed: maxstream and bs2's — Parallax Forums

help needed: maxstream and bs2's

gluphusgluphus Posts: 6
edited 2005-05-27 00:11 in General Discussion
I need some example basic stamp code to integrate my maxstream 900mhz systems.

I want 2 basic stamps to send simple 1 byte commands/responses to each other.

If someone has example code and is willing to answer a few questions , please respond

I am willing to offer market value compensation for your time and effort.



  • SofalogicSofalogic Posts: 49
    edited 2005-05-26 00:39

    I have some sample code I can send you. If you are more specific about the commands and responses I can help you more. Do you have any DS1620's? (temperature chips). I will send you an excellent program that transmits the temperature/s to a sperate computer and displays it/them on excel using STAMPDAQ. Simply mate your maxtream devices and it runs great. I used this as a class demonstration. I cannot Email you from this station, but I will Email you in the morning. As for the going rate of pay I cannot in clear consciense charge you for this. Is this for a class project?

  • kb2hapkb2hap Posts: 218
    edited 2005-05-26 01:29
    It should be fairly simple using serin and serout statements.

    I used a similar wireless product with the above method.

    as long as you have the wiring hooked up correctly between the

    stamp and the maxstream it should just be sending/receiving serouts/serins to the maxstream/stamp

    SEROUT PIN, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]infobyte]

    the baud you are going to have to figure out from the maxstream datasheet

    it should also show you comms wiring.

  • SofalogicSofalogic Posts: 49
    edited 2005-05-27 00:11

    You are correct. Maxstream documentation is excellent and the SERIN/SEROUT commands are perfect for this.

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