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Reset pin — Parallax Forums

Reset pin

edited 2005-05-25 07:45 in General Discussion
Darr, can anyone help with my dilema?

·I'm trying to figure out how to have the BS2 reset itself and an external decade counter by using a pushbutton as an input. The promblem is, the BS2's reset has to be driven low to reset and cannot be driven high, and the 4017 Decade counter's reset has to be driven high. I'd like any suggestions, but please none having to do with a external NOT gate.


  • SPENCESPENCE Posts: 204
    edited 2005-05-25 06:00
    Real easy.
    Reset the stamp and let the first item in the program be to for the stamp to reset the decade counter.
  • edited 2005-05-25 06:05
  • edited 2005-05-25 07:45
    Ok, I'm revealing my plan for world domination.

    ···· I'm making a sixty second timer on a jameco breadboard with a 4017 Decade Counter and jerry-rigged serial lines to my ol' pentium 2 399mhz comp.yeah.gif

    Heres my code, and I don't want to tokenize it fearing something might fry.

    '{$STAMP· BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    'Reset for 4017 Decade Counter.
    HIGH 1
    PAUSE 5000
    LOW 1
    HIGH 2

    A10SEC VAR Nib 'variable for 10 second interval leds
    Minute VAR Byte 'variable for 1 minute led and piezo

    A10sec = 0
    minute = 0

    'Main program

    · HIGH 0
    · PAUSE 500
    · LOW 0
    · PAUSE 500

    ··· IF IN3 = 1 THEN· A10sec = A10sec + 1

    ··· IF A10sec = 1 THEN· HIGH 4

    ··· IF A10SEC = 2 THEN· HIGH 5

    ··· IF A10SEC = 3 THEN· HIGH 6

    ··· IF A10SEC = 4 THEN· HIGH 7

    ··· IF A10SEC = 5 THEN· HIGH 8

    ··· IF A10SEC = 6 THEN· HIGH 9

    ··· IF A10sec = 6 THEN
    ····· Minute = 1
    ····· A10sec = 0

    ··· IF minute = 1 THEN
    ····· HIGH 13
    ····· FREQOUT 12, 5000, 2500
    ····· Minute = 0
    ····· PAUSE 5000
    ····· LOW 13
    GOTO theloop

    How ya like dem' apples?· cool.gif
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