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Feature request — Parallax Forums

Feature request

·· --One pain using this forum is the default view of 25 threads per page. There's the drop-down choice that goes up to 100, but if you could just add a "view all" it·would be a·whole lot easier to search for certain terms.. Is this possible?

························ Hacking the Trailing Edge!
················---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---


  • Kevin B SlaterKevin B Slater Posts: 49
    edited 2005-05-24 02:34
    Hey Ed and Parallax,

    · I would like to second that motion.· And if it could be made an option in your profile so it would always be the default, that would be twice as great!

  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2005-05-27 02:06
    The short answer is that we probably shouldn't list all posts to a thread. The reason behind this has to do with server resources. Really long threads take a lot of processing power and memory to piece together into a page that is sent back to your browser.

    The server can handle thousands of requests per second if each request is for a small number of posts - or - it might drop to one or two hundred per second if we were stringing together all the posts for a larger thread. While it's busy working on those massive pages, it's not able to respond to other page requests very quickly. The net result is that everyone's experience with the site degrades. An anology could be that one could move lots of small rocks all day long, but it takes more time and effort to move boulders.

    That's why we have the pull down to limit the number of posts presented for each request.


    Parallax IT Dept.
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