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microcontroller programming

patio87patio87 Posts: 4
edited 2005-05-23 11:58 in BASIC Stamp
First of all I am very interested in the whole microcontroller programming thing, and coming up with your own creations. In fact I am so much interested in this that it has taken my desire to do networking as my career, and now i'd like to do somethng in electronics engineering/ai/robotics. Now I was wondering to get started in Microcontroller programming such as the basic stamp, how much I really have to know about electronics to be involved in this whole world? As I stated before I am really interested, but there is so much information out there related to basic electronics that I wouldn't have time to learn it all with out doing it at school.

Thanks pat
What kind of market is out there for freelance microcontroller programmers, or somebody who creates some new device??


  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-05-23 11:58
    An excellent way to get started with BASIC Stamps is our "What's A Microcontroller?" text by Andy Lindsay. It will take you from knowing nothing about microcontroller programming to being quite confident in a very short time. It's not an electronics text per se, but you will pick up quite a lot of good information as you work through the text as microcontrollers don't do a heck of a lot unless they're connected to something. You can get started with a trip to your local RadioShack store -- our starter kit is available there and has everything you need except the PC!

    And have a look at this thread for links a lot of Parallax resources you'll find helpful:

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA

    Post Edited (Jon Williams) : 5/23/2005 12:03:51 PM GMT
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