Trying to find a datasheet on an Alarm Keypad

Can anyone put their hands on a datasheet for a "Digital Key Switch" that Radio Shack used to sell (#49-535A)?
I have one of these keypads, that works, but I have lost the information, mainly how to program a new code,
but a wiring diagram might be helpful also.
There is a picture of one on the lower left of this url
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
Latest Company News
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
I have one of these keypads, that works, but I have lost the information, mainly how to program a new code,
but a wiring diagram might be helpful also.
There is a picture of one on the lower left of this url
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
Latest Company News
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
·· You can get a complete list of manuals and datasheets (Including Spanish) by going to Radio Shack's website and typing in that part number, without the "A" at the end.· Take Care!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I tried Radio Shack .com and for some reason I thought the...
"Digital Controller" #49-535
...was something different from the...
"Digital Key Switch" #49-535A
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
Latest Company News
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071