New Gripper design for the Boe-Bot

Dear Robo-heads:
If you own a Boe-Bot then you certainly knew about the all-aluminum, machined Gripper we used to offer. This was a precise and efficient tool for autonomously locating and picking up objects up to the size of a golf ball. The problem is that it was very expensive to manufacture and we had to sell them at our cost just to keep the inventory moving. In fact, I think it even put one of our machine shop suppliers out of business because it was so tough to estimate the production costs. It was designed by a really capable engineer with no marketing constraints.
Well, we've got a new design underway. A prototype of the actual design is working in our office. Our manufacturing costs have gone down tremendously. This version is made with stamped aluminum and molded plastic parts, so the cost is where it should be. We expect to be able to offer the new Gripper for less than $50, and it is every bit as functional as the prior design. It will accommodate the SSIR sensors for object locating and depth in the Gripper.
This Gripper·is·going·into·production within a few weeks so they should be here by the end of Summer. Please don't call and ask our sales staff about availability. If you do, they'll force me to stop posting early product information on this Forum.·And I respect their requests.

Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
If you own a Boe-Bot then you certainly knew about the all-aluminum, machined Gripper we used to offer. This was a precise and efficient tool for autonomously locating and picking up objects up to the size of a golf ball. The problem is that it was very expensive to manufacture and we had to sell them at our cost just to keep the inventory moving. In fact, I think it even put one of our machine shop suppliers out of business because it was so tough to estimate the production costs. It was designed by a really capable engineer with no marketing constraints.
Well, we've got a new design underway. A prototype of the actual design is working in our office. Our manufacturing costs have gone down tremendously. This version is made with stamped aluminum and molded plastic parts, so the cost is where it should be. We expect to be able to offer the new Gripper for less than $50, and it is every bit as functional as the prior design. It will accommodate the SSIR sensors for object locating and depth in the Gripper.
This Gripper·is·going·into·production within a few weeks so they should be here by the end of Summer. Please don't call and ask our sales staff about availability. If you do, they'll force me to stop posting early product information on this Forum.·And I respect their requests.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I have been wanting to get a gripper for my boebot, but it was way out of my price range.· I was surprised that some other 3rd party didn't seize the opportunity to make a less expensive version, but I am sure glad that it was on your to-do list.
Thanks for reminding us not to call... I had the phone in my hand as was reading the last part of your message!
ro-bot-ics (noun)
the science or technology of robots, their design, manufacture, application, use, etc.
But is a "photo" from behind available?
Is the prototype available for view?
I would be pleased to see it...
I am preparing my own robot with a BS2 mounted on it with absolutely different classis·from a boe-bot·and·I would like to know its dimensions in order to be able to fit it properly if I buy it...or construct it myself...
Thank you for your time, Provas