Mixing BSs and SXs
Now that I have a brand new Professional Dev Board I am thinking seriously in connecting Basic Stamp and SX to perform collaborative tasks. Formerly I have worked with stamps by one side and PICs by other side, and although occasionally I have connected PICs and BSs I have found that the PDB is·'the' platform to experiment with that idea.
My question is: is there any resource to·get ideas for·performing collaborative tasks between Stamps and SX?
By the way, will Stampworks 2 cover this issue ?
My question is: is there any resource to·get ideas for·performing collaborative tasks between Stamps and SX?
By the way, will Stampworks 2 cover this issue ?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Unfortunately I do not have that issue of N&V. Is there any way to download that article on line ?. I know N&V back issues can be ordered on line, but I would like to have it as soon as possible. It is·too bad·N&V does not offer electronic downloading of magazines. I would like to see it on the Zinio magazines catalog.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA