Ir remote control w/ BS2
Im making an ir remote control for our class t.v. with and infared LED and an infared-sensitve photoresistor. I've already found the JVC ir protocal being that·each pulse is a 526µs long 38kHz carrier burst (about 20 cycles). A logical "1" takes 2.10ms to transmit (equivalent of 80 cycles), while a logical "0" is only 1.05ms (equivalent of 40 cycles). Should i be using the freqout command or the pulseout command for the bs2 output? What would the commands look like put together?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
This 555 timer circuit will transmit at around 38 kHz when the Reset pin is held high. P7 is for measuring your transmit frequency, and P8 is left floating because the program sends it PULSOUT commands to establish the delay between 526 microsecond bursts of IR.
This program sends the start bit, followed by binary 1010. While the PULSOUT commands to P6 correspond exactly with the modulated IR times, the PULSOUT commands to P8 do not. This allows the delay between IR bursts to be precise because the shorter PULSOUT durations compensate for processing overhead.
The oscillator frequency may be a bit off.· If you're within a couple hundred hertz of the 38.5 kHz center frequency, it usually works, but your effective transmit range will be significantly larger if you calibrate the timer.· You can do this by replacing the series 1 k and 470 Ω resistors with a 10 k potentiometer.· Then, with the aid of the program below, adjust the potentiometer until you get the Debug Terminal to report a value as close to 38500 as possible.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 5/23/2005 5:07:12 PM GMT
·"We Are Not Human Beings Having·A Spiritual Experence,
··············... We Are··Spiritual Beings Having·A·Human Experence"
I'm not sure if decoding JVC will work with a BS2, but I think there is a chance it could. The trick to try would be to use RCTIME to measure the time to the edge. My guess is that it will return different values for zero or one, and even give you enough time for some concise number crunching before the RCTIME command. Hopefully, it will make it possible to process each bit as it is received.
·"We Are Not Human Beings Having·A Spiritual Experience,
··············... We Are··Spiritual Beings Having·A·Human Experience"
Most firing systems I've seen have a safety-key, that MUST be in place before the rocket can be fired. This makes it fairly safe to pull the key, go out to the pad and load up the rocket, then return to the launch console and re-insert the key. But THAT only works because the console has a hard-wired connection to the pad.
Also, IR remotes are limited to about 50 feet or so, indoors. Bright sunlight may reduce that range further.
Bottom line -- rockets are fun, but seriously dangerous. Be careful and don't get hurt!
I built that circuit as depicted and it doesn't work, checked it about half a dozen times, then I built the adjustable one on page 109 of Basic A and D, and it worked, so I know my parts are good, does that exact one work for you?
attached is the schematic of how I had to change the circuit to make it work
Post Edited (CJ) : 9/17/2005 1:19:44 AM GMT
Sorry about the mistake in my schematic. Thanks for finding and posting the correction! A trouble-shooting job well-done.
·"We Are Not Human Beings Having·A Spiritual Experience,
··············... We Are··Spiritual Beings Having·A·Human Experience"
103 indicates·10 with three zeros·tacked on the end, and then multiplied by 1 pF.
10x103 X 1x10-12 = 10x10-9
···························= 10 nF
···························= 0.01 uF
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 10/27/2005 3:29:32 AM GMT
I am trying to build a digital inclinometer. My idea is to connect a linear potentiometer to ADC0831 then connect to SLED4C. When the voltage from the potentiometer is zero then it will display 0 (Zero) again the potentiometer will rotate, it will supply 1.5V to ADC the SLED4C will display 210.
This is my first project with ADC0831. Would you please tell me, what are the things I should buy? Would you please tell me about the connections and the program? I know the BASIC program.
If it doesn't fit dont force it, Just get a bigger hammer.
·- 1 -
·---· OR· ---
·- 2 -
If it doesn't fit dont force it, Just get a bigger hammer.
any help?
If it doesn't fit dont force it, Just get a bigger hammer.
Here is how I think the circuit should look with a 555 timer. You can then use "TestFrequencyAndDutyCycle.bs2" from an earlier post to tune the circuit.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 11/2/2005 7:01:20 PM GMT
Here is a re-drawn circuit with your corrections incorporated. Thanks again for letting us know about the bug.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 11/2/2005 7:01:33 PM GMT
If it doesn't fit dont force it, Just get a bigger hammer.
Here is a link to the product page for a 10 k trim pot:
Here also is a link to the product page of a 10 k, multi-turn pot:
The filter in the IR receiver is pretty forgiving over short range. You've probably got at least +/- 1 kHz, maybe more. So, as long as those two leftmost digits are 37 or 38, it should be fine.
Finding the exact transmission frequency for maximum range will take some fine tuning, and it might not be at exactly 38000 Hz, and it will also change a little from one receiver to the next.
how hard would it be to integrate a few buttons that associate's with the code . Power on, source, volume up down?