StampSX Problems
We have been running a Stamp2 for some time with no problems but we recently decided to move up to a SX chip for the extra memory and ran into troubles. We are using a MAX232 chip to connect to the chip and it runs for 2-4 sec's and then halts randomly. We have triple checked all of our connections and voltages and can find no error. We can download to the chip wih no problem and recive Debug information whle the chip runs. Disconnecting the MCLR pin from the MAX232 and putting it high seems to fix the problem but we lose the download fuction in the process. Any help would be great.
the MCLR pin connected to the MAX232 ??? What is this good for (except causing trouble). MCLR should always pulled up to high (possibly with some additional external components extending the reset time for slow rising power supplys).
Besides this, the SX community on this forum could help you much better (and I'm sure we all are willing to) if you'd specify your problem in more detail instead of providing a "nebulous" description like "we are using a MAX232 chip to connect to the chip". What is the MAX232 intended for - to level-shift the RS-232 signals between a standard COM port and the SX (running a UART virtual peripheral to handle serial communications), or for some other purpose? And what do you mean with the "download function" - are you trying to send program data to the SX this way?
Greetings from Germany,