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Newbie needs help

ErikdSErikdS Posts: 37
edited 2005-05-12 07:53 in Learn with BlocklyProp
Hi there,
this is going to sound pretty silly to experienced users, but I don't have a clue.

I have a BS2 logging temperature readings in its EEPROM (by the hundreds) and I wish to turn the results into graphs using Excell. How do I transfer the data stored·in EEPROM into an Excell-file?




  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-05-11 11:56
    I think what most people are doing in this situation is using DEBUG or SEROUT to send the (formatted) data to a terminal window, then copying the output to a file that can be imported into Excel.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
  • ErikdSErikdS Posts: 37
    edited 2005-05-11 12:39
    Thanks Jon,

    but that doesn't seems to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, here's my 'read-data-out-and-put-it-on-screen' program. When I run this, I cannot choose the copy function.

    FOR adres=0 TO 425 STEP 4
    · READ adres,tC.HIGHBYTE
    · READ (adres+1),tC.LOWBYTE
    · DEBUG DEC (tC / 10), ".", DEC1 tC, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
    · READ (adres+2), rhTrue.HIGHBYTE
    · READ (adres+3), rhTrue.LOWBYTE
    · DEBUG DEC (rhTrue /10), ".", DEC1 rhTrue, "%", CR, CR

    Am I missing something here?shocked.gif
  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-05-11 12:57
    In the Stamp editor Debug terminal window you can select the desired text, prest [noparse][[/noparse]Ctrl]+[noparse][[/noparse]C], then past ([noparse][[/noparse]Ctrl]-[noparse][[/noparse]V]) into a text program like Notepad -- then save the file. Or, you start Hyperterminal and capture it with that.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,662
    edited 2005-05-11 16:23
    With that much data, you will be better off with hyperterminal on the PC, or an equivalent terminal program. On the Mac, use zterm or goserial. Here are links that talk about how to set up hyperterminal (HTPE):

    For import to Excel, you are better off sending each record on a separate line, and the fields should be tab or space delimited without the unit symbols. After you capture that in HTPE, it can be opened in Excel easily and the data will fall into columns.

    Also, store your data in smallendian format (lower byte in lower address), so that you can use WORD modifiers to read out your data.

    DEBUG "degC",TAB,"%RH",CR   ' column headers for Excel
    FOR adres=0 TO 425 STEP 4
      READ adres, Word tC, Word rhTrue  ' note Word makes program read easier
      DEBUG DEC (tC/10), ".", DEC1 tC, TAB
      DEBUG DEC (rhTrue/10), ".", DEC1 rhTrue,CR

    ErikdS said...
    Thanks Jon,

    but that doesn't seems to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, here's my 'read-data-out-and-put-it-on-screen' program. When I run this, I cannot choose the copy function.

    FOR adres=0 TO 425 STEP 4
    READ adres,tC.HIGHBYTE
    READ (adres+1),tC.LOWBYTE
    DEBUG DEC (tC / 10), ".", DEC1 tC, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
    READ (adres+2), rhTrue.HIGHBYTE
    READ (adres+3), rhTrue.LOWBYTE
    DEBUG DEC (rhTrue /10), ".", DEC1 rhTrue, "%", CR, CR

    Am I missing something here? shocked.gif
    Tracy Allen
  • OrionOrion Posts: 236
    edited 2005-05-11 22:01
    Why not use stampdaq?
  • ErikdSErikdS Posts: 37
    edited 2005-05-12 06:52
    Because I'm a newbie.

    What is stampdaq?
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-05-12 07:53
    StampDaq·is a program Parallax offers for free that does basically what your looking for, it is a plug-in for Exel that records up to ten channels and dumps the value in a spreadsheet.
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