Using 2nd Serial Port on PC
Hi all,
I have a Gateway computer running Win98 with 2 serial ports off the motherboard that are on the back of the computer.· I have been using COM1 to run the SX-key, and realized after reading some posts here that I could use the other serial port simultaneously for serial·I/O from the programmed·SX (ie data I/O).
After getting a "unable to open COM2" message from HyperTerminal, I looked in the Windows system folder <Device Manager>·to see how the second COM port was listed.· The Device Manager had only COM1 listed, so I had Windows install another COM port, and tried all the possible data and interrupt combinations provided (restarting the computer between each attempt).· None of them made it possible for the HyperTerminal to find the second COM port.· There are no DIP switches or jumpers on the motherboard that seem to pertain to the serial COM ports.
Does anyone know if some computers come with·two·serial COM ports but only really allow access to one of them?· Or is there some other place in addition to the Device Manager that a COM port has to be enabled to work?· Any help would be appreciated.
I have a Gateway computer running Win98 with 2 serial ports off the motherboard that are on the back of the computer.· I have been using COM1 to run the SX-key, and realized after reading some posts here that I could use the other serial port simultaneously for serial·I/O from the programmed·SX (ie data I/O).
After getting a "unable to open COM2" message from HyperTerminal, I looked in the Windows system folder <Device Manager>·to see how the second COM port was listed.· The Device Manager had only COM1 listed, so I had Windows install another COM port, and tried all the possible data and interrupt combinations provided (restarting the computer between each attempt).· None of them made it possible for the HyperTerminal to find the second COM port.· There are no DIP switches or jumpers on the motherboard that seem to pertain to the serial COM ports.
Does anyone know if some computers come with·two·serial COM ports but only really allow access to one of them?· Or is there some other place in addition to the Device Manager that a COM port has to be enabled to work?· Any help would be appreciated.
I worked on an older Gateway, and I also had to enable the second com port after I removed the modem card.
3F8 is usually com 1. there should be a listing for 2F8 when the second com port is enabled.
Be aware that if you have a device in your machine that "needs" com two you will
be disabling it by enabling com two in the BIOS.
If that is the case set the BIOS #2 com to com three or four (3E8 and 2E8 most likely)
Thanks again,· nate