Just jumping in here. Get the latest SX-Key IDE and launch SXSim from the IDE itself. You can either hit the button on the right end of the toolbar or go to "Run->Launch SXSim". The IDE will take care of all the rest of the work for you. Of course, you can also:
1 - Hit compile the SX/B code by hitting CTRL-A (or "Run->Compile" or hitting the 3rd button from the left on the toolbar)
2 - Manually launch SXSim
3 - Do a file open and load the .LST file that the IDE automatically generated when you compiled the SX/B file.
when following the "manual" approach Peter had suggested, make sure that the 'SX/B files to "Output Files" dir' option is un-checked in the dialog box opened via the "Run - Configure" and then "SX/B Compiler" option to make sure that the IDE keeps the list file in your original source directory.
Just jumping in here. Get the latest SX-Key IDE and launch SXSim from the IDE itself. You can either hit the button on the right end of the toolbar or go to "Run->Launch SXSim". The IDE will take care of all the rest of the work for you. Of course, you can also:
1 - Hit compile the SX/B code by hitting CTRL-A (or "Run->Compile" or hitting the 3rd button from the left on the toolbar)
2 - Manually launch SXSim
3 - Do a file open and load the .LST file that the IDE automatically generated when you compiled the SX/B file.
Thanks, PeterM
Post Edited (PJMonty) : 5/9/2005 7:10:03 PM GMT
when following the "manual" approach Peter had suggested, make sure that the 'SX/B files to "Output Files" dir' option is un-checked in the dialog box opened via the "Run - Configure" and then "SX/B Compiler" option to make sure that the IDE keeps the list file in your original source directory.
Greetings from Germany,