Noob question...
This is my first time usinf the sx and i'm having a strange problem.
I'm using the Parallax sx board with the sx key.
I have one sx28 programmed by a friend that I'm trying to duplicate, the problem is that when
I read the device with sx key 3.0 it seems to read ok but during verify it says "verify failed at oscillator"
is there something i'm missing here?
I've tried with and without a crystal on the sx dev. board with the same result.
Also the device I'm trying to save works ok, so I know there must be something this newbie is not doing.
I'm using the Parallax sx board with the sx key.
I have one sx28 programmed by a friend that I'm trying to duplicate, the problem is that when
I read the device with sx key 3.0 it seems to read ok but during verify it says "verify failed at oscillator"
is there something i'm missing here?
I've tried with and without a crystal on the sx dev. board with the same result.
Also the device I'm trying to save works ok, so I know there must be something this newbie is not doing.
How can ac power run this?
I think I'm missing something
Thanks again
I think Ken's post should have been to a thread in the sandbox.
He was not referring to your question.
"SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.
"I thought I was wrong once...But I was mistaken [noparse];)[/noparse]"
My·post was meant for a different post. I will delete it an repost in the proper location.
Post Edited (KenM) : 5/8/2005 12:16:58 AM GMT
I'm not quite sure what your exact problem is. As far as I understand, you have got a programmed SX 28 from a friend and you want to read out this program in order to copy it into another SX 28.
Usually, you would select "Run - Device" from the SX-Key IDE to open the Device dialog, and then click the Read button to read out the program from the first chip which loads the program into a buffer managed by the SX-Key IDE. You will notice that the contents of the "E²Flash" area has changed after the read. When you click "Verify" with the same chip still installed, the IDE reads the chip again, and compares the read data against what is in the buffer. When you get a "Verify failed" message in this case, it is most likely that the chip has been programmed with the code protect option set. In this case, when reading out the program, scrambled data will be returned instead of the actual program data, and this is why the verify fails on the second read.
In this case, it does not make sense to copy the data into another SX as the program would not run on this second chip.
Greetings from Germany,
When you have the code protect on and you try to verify, does it return "verify failed at oscillator" or just " verify failed" ?
If the code protect is on, is there any way to retrieve the correct data? since my friend, is no longer with us (passed away) and left no copy that I can find . I would like to finish this little project ,but I'm no programmer ( just an electronics tech).
Any guidance would help..
By the way...I'm reading your "Programming the SX Microcontroller" book ...hopefully something will sink in
Thanks again
to my experience, when verifying a code-protected SX I always got the "verify failed at coscillator" but maybe just a "verify failed" could also be returned.
Sorry to say that I don't know about any way to retrieve the original program when the chip was programmed with code-protect on. There is another thread in this forum dealing with how to turn off the protection, but this requires opening the device, and directly access the "silicon". IMO, this should be better left to the "chip experts".
I'm sorry to learn that your friend passed way - maybe it would cost less time, re-writing that application instead of trying to "un-lock" the original code. I hope my book can help you a bit getting the "re-write" done.
Greetings from Germany,