Motor Mind C Carrier REV3
I have a MMC board REV3·which I haven't really·used,·so I tried my BS2E in the MMC board, the·program·code figure 6:AN700 software listing which is in the carrier boards·datasheet revision3·appears·to work, but it·DEBUG's one·part of the code which·repeats over and over.
Some of the $values change, but the result is the same at the end of each debug·it says·"SETDC ERROR". What does this mean? and also what is·(AN700·software listings). The code to me seem to have to many GOSUB RETURN's in it.
·· baud··con 45··· 'for38400 and BS2SX
·· baud· con· 6···· 'for 38400bps and BS2
·· buad· con· 84·· 'for 9600bps and BS2
I tried all of them and still nothing but DEBUG "SETDC ERROR" and mommentary spin of one motor. SOMEONE HELP PLS
Some of the $values change, but the result is the same at the end of each debug·it says·"SETDC ERROR". What does this mean? and also what is·(AN700·software listings). The code to me seem to have to many GOSUB RETURN's in it.
·· baud··con 45··· 'for38400 and BS2SX
·· baud· con· 6···· 'for 38400bps and BS2
·· buad· con· 84·· 'for 9600bps and BS2
I tried all of them and still nothing but DEBUG "SETDC ERROR" and mommentary spin of one motor. SOMEONE HELP PLS
A complete copy of your Stamp PBASIC program would be helpful in aidng with the determination of the cause of the problem.
Bruce Bates