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trouble with boe bot ir — Parallax Forums

trouble with boe bot ir

stamp_demonstamp_demon Posts: 69
edited 2005-05-05 15:23 in Robotics
Hello I am currently working on the ir project in chapter 7.. I have built the circuit, and am currently trying out the test program provided. I have checked the circuit over and over again, and don't see any errors.. Still I only get a steady 0 in the debug window... Below is the code... thank you _Duane

{$stamp bs2}
{$stamp 2.5}
· irdetleft var bit

· do
· freqout 8, 1, 38500
· irdetleft = in9
· debug home, "irdetleft = ", bin1 irdetleft
· pause 100
· loop



  • edited 2005-05-05 14:23
    ··········· The sensor might be bad, if you have another sensor try that one to see if it gives the same results. Also be sure that the object you are trying to detect is not the color black.


    Stephen Swanson

    Technical Support
    Parallax, Inc.

  • Kevin B SlaterKevin B Slater Posts: 49
    edited 2005-05-05 14:24
    Hey Duane,
    · I will state the obvious so forgive me if you have tried this.· Have you gone through the Trouble-Shooting section on page 227 of the Robotics text.· If so you might try swaping out your IR pair with the other one included in the kit.· This would help eliminate a hardware problem.· You might also try different ports on your BS2, it is unlikely that one would be bad, but doesn't hurt to check.· For example, try the experiment on pins 6 and 7, just change the code to reflect the pin changes.

    Hope that helps,

    P.S. Another thought for test the IR LED.· Most video cameras can "see" IR emmisions so if you point a camera towards your BOE-BOT the IR LED should look like a blue LED in the viewfinder.· You might have to do this in a dark room and/or turn on the low light setting for your camera if it has one.

    Post Edited (Kevin B Slater) : 5/5/2005 2:30:26 PM GMT
  • Tom WalkerTom Walker Posts: 509
    edited 2005-05-05 15:23
    Forgive another obvious suggestion, but the LED could be in backwards. They only conduct in one direction...until they become an SED (smoke emitting diode) and eventually a DED (dark emitting diode)...<g>

    Truly Understand the Fundamentals and the Path will be so much easier...
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