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boe bot digital encoders plz help! — Parallax Forums

boe bot digital encoders plz help!

stamp_demonstamp_demon Posts: 69
edited 2005-06-20 01:11 in Robotics
·Helo I recived my encoders in the mail today. I installed them, and wired thewm as the included doc illistrated. And tested it with the included code. I was wondering if anyone had any code illistrating a few simple subroutines such as forward, backwards, left, and right. Thankyou very much _Duane


  • JED1JED1 Posts: 17
    edited 2005-06-20 01:11
    If you haven't there is more example S/W than there is on the instruction paper that came with the encoders, Go to the Parallax web page where you can order the Wheel encoders, download the "Software and Source Examples". The codefor the "Wheel_Motion" already has some of what you are looking for as least you can use it as a starting point.
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