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servos o dc motors — Parallax Forums

servos o dc motors

celestino_galancelestino_galan Posts: 44
edited 2005-05-04 10:23 in Robotics

what do you think it is better for·making a bot (vehicle) to use servos or dc motors?

Please explain why.




  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2005-05-03 16:06
    "Modified Servo's" are MUCH easier to interface, and often provide sufficent power for a small robot. The 'Servo' control signal is a short pulse (1 mS to 2 mS) repeated every 20 to 50 mSec. This means your BS2 can be doing something else for 18 to 19 mSec (like driving ANOTHER servo) before it has to drive the first servo again. And you get good battery life from 4 alkaline batteries with Servo's.

    DC Motors allow MUCH higher power, and higher currents, but require additional H-Bridge circuitry to control them, and more advanced PWM control to control their speed. Thus a BS2 will typically need a co-processor PIC to control the motors, and the BS2 will tell the co-processor what it wants done.

    So, there you are.
  • celestino_galancelestino_galan Posts: 44
    edited 2005-05-03 16:42
    And maybe if you need more power but with servos, you will use 4 instead 2?
  • celestino_galancelestino_galan Posts: 44
    edited 2005-05-04 10:23
    Could somebody tell me the diference between standar servos and digital servos and wich ones· do we use to make robots?

    And, please, wich ones do you recomend me with high torque and continuous rotation...?


    Post Edited (celestino_galan) : 5/4/2005 10:30:55 AM GMT
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