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Boe-dar questions

musictechmusictech Posts: 54
edited 2005-05-03 21:57 in BASIC Stamp
Below is the code required to run the boe-dar mapping software.· I am wondering if I can quick adapt this to my project.· As I understand it, I just need to pass the a few variables wirelessly to a computer.· I don't have all the equipment that is suggested to use by I think I can make do.· What I am confused about is I don't know what information it needs for the software program to work.

What is required:
A boe-bot ,2 infared LED's and sensors mounted in the standard pattern listed in the boe-bot book (basically pointed towards the front at 45 degree angles out to the corners), a surelink RF kit, a digital encoder kit, and·a surelink quick connect board for your pc.

What I Have.
A bot with 4 infared·LED's and sensors·mounted at 45 degrees an 80 degrees off·front center, devantec audio module mounted at the front of the bot, laipac 315mhz to 433mhz·transmitter and recievers, parallax SIP 433 mhz transcievers, GPS unit,·parallax electronic compass, and a multitude of parallax boards of education.)

Will what I have work for the data I need to pass the computer, and can I use a board of education as a reciever?


'{$PBASIC 2.5}
' Boe-dar.BS2: Program To roam about using IR sensors for obstacle avoidance.
' Wheel encoders keep track of position and orientation. These data are sent
' periodically to a host PC via an RF transmitter.
'Written by Philip C. Pilgrim····· 29 April 2004
[noparse][[/noparse]Calibration Constants]
SDIRINC·· CON 33101···· 'Sin(delta) factor by which to modify the angle vectors for each
······················· 'encoder pulse. Increase this number if Boe-Bot turns
······················· 'more than odometer says it does. Decrease, if less.
······················· 'Sin(delta) = SDIRINC / 262144.)
SPOSINC·· CON 264······ 'Sin(delta) factor to compute distance for each encoder pulse.
······················· '256 corresponds to 0.5" travel per two-wheel pulse.
······················· 'For centimeters, start with 650 to get 1.27cm of travel per
······················· 'two-wheel pulse. (SPOSINC = W * SDIRINC / 512, where W
······················· 'is the effective distance between wheels in the desired units.)
[noparse][[/noparse]Initialization Constants]
XINIT···· CON 128······ 'Initial X position (byte) in whole units.
YINIT···· CON 128······ 'Initial Y position (byte) in whole units.
······················· 'Initial direction is always assumed to be towards +Y (north).
POSINT··· CON 16······· 'Position transmit interval.
IDINT···· CON 128······ 'ID transmit interval.
ID······· CON "1"······ 'Transmitted ID.
BAUD····· CON $4006···· 'BS2 baudrate constant for 38400 baud, inverted polarity.
RSTBTN··· CON 64······· 'EEPROM location used on startup to count reset button pushes.
[noparse][[/noparse]Other Constants]
RIGHT···· CON 0········ 'Constants used as subscripts into bit arrays.
LEFT····· CON 1
FWD······ CON 0
BAK······ CON 1
VMIN····· CON 0········ 'Minimum adder/subtractor to null velocity.
VMAX····· CON 50······· 'Maximum adder/subtractor to null velocity.
VINC····· CON 2········ 'Velocity ramp rate.
RFXmt···· PIN 0········ 'To RX pin on RF transmitter.
IRInpR··· PIN 6········ 'Right IR sensor.
IRInpL··· PIN 7········ 'Left IR sensor. (MUST be IRInpR + 1.)
IROutR··· PIN 8········ 'Right IRLED.
IROutL··· PIN 9········ 'Left IRLED. (MUST be IROutR + 1.)
SenseR··· PIN 10······· 'Righthand encoder input.
SenseL··· PIN 11······· 'Lefthand encoder input. (MUST be SenseR + 1.)
MotorR··· PIN 12······· 'Righthand motor output.
MotorL··· PIN 13······· 'Lefthand motor output. (MUST be MotorR + 1.)
IRInp···· CON IRInpR··· 'Base address for IR sensors.
IROut···· CON IROutR··· 'Base address for IRLEDs.
Sense···· CON SenseR··· 'Base address for encoders.
Motor···· CON MotorR··· 'Base address for motors.
Prev····· VAR Bit(2)··· 'Previous readings from encoders.
Dir······ VAR Bit(2)··· 'Wheel directions (FWD or BAK).
LastSide· VAR Bit······ 'Last side to get a pulse (LEFT or RIGHT).
NewSeq··· VAR Bit······ 'Set if last movement started a new LR or RL sequence.
Side····· VAR Bit······ 'Side index (LEFT or RIGHT).
Moved···· VAR Bit······ 'Indicates motion since last checking.
NewDir··· VAR Bit(2)
Event···· VAR Byte
Xpos····· VAR Word····· 'X location of the Boe-Bot's center.
X········ VAR Xpos.HIGHBYTE 'Integer portion of Xpos. Low byte is fraction.
Ypos····· VAR Word····· 'Y location of the Boe-Bot's center.
Y········ VAR Ypos.HIGHBYTE 'Integer portion of Ypos. Low byte is fraction.
Xdir····· VAR Word····· 'X component of the Boe-Bot's direction.
Xd······· VAR Xdir.HIGHBYTE
Ydir····· VAR Word····· 'Y component of the Boe-Bot's direction.
Yd······· VAR Ydir.HIGHBYTE
PosCtr··· VAR Byte····· 'Countdown for position interval.
IDCtr···· VAR Byte····· 'Countdown for ID interval.
Veloc···· VAR Byte
i········ VAR Byte····· 'Scratch variables...
n········ VAR Byte
········· DATA········· @RSTBTN, 0
[noparse][[/noparse]Program begins here.]
READ RSTBTN, i··········· 'Determine how may times reset button was pressed.
PAUSE 1000
· CASE 0:················ 'One press: Just send out ID string.
··· GOSUB Initialize
··· Event = ID
··· DO
····· GOSUB Transmit
····· PAUSE 500·········· 'Do it every half second.
··· LOOP
· CASE 1:················ 'Two presses: Start roaming...
··· GOTO MainProg
· CASE ELSE:············· 'Otherwise, just die.
··· END
[noparse][[/noparse]Main routine begin here.]
MainProg:············································ 'Begin roaming...
· GOSUB Initialize··································· 'Do encoder initialization.
· DO
··· FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT························· 'Read IR obstacle sensors.
····· FREQOUT IROut + (Side ^ 1), 1, 38500··········· 'When obstacle detected,
····· NewDir(Side) = ~ INS.LOWBIT(IRInp + (Side ^ 1)) 'opposite wheel goes backward.
··· NEXT
··· NewDir(LEFT) = NewDir(LEFT) & (NewDir(RIGHT) ^ 1) 'Still need to turn if both sides detect.
··· IF (NewDir(LEFT) | NewDir(RIGHT)) THEN··········· 'If obstacle...
····· GOSUB WaitEnc·································· 'Wait for motion to cease.
····· IF NewDir(LEFT) THEN Event = "G" ELSE Event = "R" 'Event is red for port obstacle, green for stbd.
····· GOSUB Transmit································· 'Transmit event.
····· Veloc = VMIN··································· 'Throttle down.
····· Dir(RIGHT) = BAK
····· Dir(LEFT) = BAK
····· n = 25
····· GOSUB Move····································· 'Back up 25 motor pulses..
····· GOSUB WaitEnc·································· 'Wait for motion to cease.
····· Veloc = VMIN
····· Dir(RIGHT) = NewDir(RIGHT)····················· 'Now turn in place.
····· Dir(LEFT) = NewDir(LEFT)
····· n = 5 * Dir(RIGHT) + 25························ 'Different amounts for L & R, so don't get stuck in
····· GOSUB Move····································· '· corners.
····· GOSUB WaitEnc
····· Veloc = VMIN
··· ELSE············································· 'If no obstacles...
····· Dir(LEFT) = FWD
····· Dir(RIGHT) = FWD
····· n = 1
····· GOSUB Move····································· 'Move forward one motor pulse.
· LOOP··············································· 'Ad infinitum...
· FOR i = 1 TO n····································· 'n motor pulses.
··· PULSOUT MotorR, 750 + ((Dir(RIGHT) << 1 - 1) * Veloc)
··· PULSOUT MotorL, 750 - ((Dir(LEFT) << 1 - 1) * Veloc)
··· GOSUB ChkEnc····································· 'Always check the encoders.
··· PAUSE 10
··· Veloc = Veloc + VINC MAX VMAX···················· 'Ramp up the velocity.
Initialize:······················· 'Do encoder initialization.
· Xdir = 0························ 'Set direction to +Y.
· Ydir = $4000
· Xpos = XINIT << 8··············· 'Set positions from constants.
· Ypos = YINIT << 8
· FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT········ 'Read initial encoder values.
··· Prev(Side) = INS.LOWBIT(Sense + Side)
· Event = "!"
· GOTO Transmit
WaitEnc:·························· 'Track encoders until motion ceases.
· FOR i = 1 TO 30················· 'Need 30 motionless intervals to be sure.
··· GOSUB ChkEnc·················· 'Check the encoder.
··· IF (Moved) THEN i = 0········· 'If the bot moved, reset counter and start over.
· RETURN·························· 'No motion for 30 steps. It's stopped.
ChkEnc:··························· 'Update and record position from encoders.
·································· 'Just call it often enough to catch all the
·································· 'changes.
· Moved = 0······················· 'Initialize to no detected movement.
· FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT·············· 'For both encoders...
··· IF (INS.LOWBIT(Sense + Side) ^ Prev(Side)) THEN· 'Encoder different from prior value?
······· Prev(Side) = ~ Prev(Side)······· '· Yes: Update with new value.
······· Moved = 1······················· '······ Indicate that we've moved.
······· NewSeq = ~ (Side ^ Dir(Side) ^ LastSide & NewSeq)·· 'Start a new LR or RL sequence unless
········································ '······ different side moved last and that was
········································ '······ the start of a new sequence.
······· LastSide = Side ^ Dir(Side)··············· '······ Update last side to move.
······· IF (NewSeq) THEN DoPos·········· '······ New sequence starts with position.
········································ '······ 2nd half of same sequence undoes angle first.
····· DoAng:···························· '······ Angle change.
······· Ydir = Ydir - ((Dir(Side) ^ Side ^ Xdir.BIT15 << 1 - 1) * (ABS(Xdir) ** SDIRINC >> 3))
······· Xdir = Xdir + ((Dir(Side) ^ Side ^ Ydir.BIT15 << 1 - 1) * (ABS(Ydir) ** SDIRINC >> 2))
······· Ydir = Ydir - ((Dir(Side) ^ Side ^ Xdir.BIT15 << 1 - 1) * (ABS(Xdir) ** SDIRINC >> 3))
······· IF (NewSeq) THEN DoNext
····· DoPos:···························· '······ Position change.
······· Xpos = Xpos - ((Dir(Side) ^ Xdir.BIT15 << 1 - 1) * (ABS(Xdir) ** SPOSINC))
······· Ypos = Ypos - ((Dir(Side) ^ Ydir.BIT15 << 1 - 1) * (ABS(Ydir) ** SPOSINC))
······· IF (NewSeq) THEN DoAng
····· DoNext:
· IF (IDCtr) THEN IDCtr = IDCtr - 1····· 'ID counter decrements whether moved or not.
· IF (Moved AND PosCtr) THEN PosCtr = PosCtr - 1· 'Position counter decrements only if moved.
· IF (PosCtr AND IDCtr) THEN RETURN····· 'Return if neither has reached zero.
· Event = ID···························· 'Default event is ID. Fall thru to Transmit.
· PosCtr = POSINT······················· 'Reset both counters.
· IDCtr = IDInt
· SEROUT RFXmt, BAUD, [noparse][[/noparse]HEX2 X, HEX2 Y, HEX2 Xd, HEX2 Yd, Event, CR]···· 'Transmit data.
· Event = ID···························· 'Reset event to default.
· RETURN································ 'Over and out.


  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2005-05-03 12:54
    Just a tip -- if you don't use the 'quick reply' box, but instead use the 'Post Reply' button, then you can 'attach' a file to your posting -- which will preserve the formatting.
  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-05-03 14:13
    Better yet, attach your program as a text file -- easier for people to read and copy, and formatting is preserved.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
  • musictechmusictech Posts: 54
    edited 2005-05-03 15:26
    Thanks for the future tip, but how about my question =) ?
  • bishopbishop Posts: 82
    edited 2005-05-03 15:29
    lantronix makes a wireless serial box. its not cheap, but it works.


    daniel woolston
    Teksystems Inc.
  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2005-05-03 16:00
    "Will what I have work for the data I need to pass the computer, and can I use a board of education as a reciever?"

    It looks like you are using the BS2 as a 'mapper' roamer, using GPS to know where it is (since you have NO wheel encoders).

    The short answer is, I don't know, can you ask your question again with more detail? What RF unit do you expect to have where? What are the power requirements? Why do you need the BOE to be a reciever -- aren't they all senders on bots?

    You've left too little framework to your question to be able to provide a very helpful answer.
  • musictechmusictech Posts: 54
    edited 2005-05-03 17:25
    I have 2 fabricated 3 wheel robots. Roughly 8 inches tall and 12 inches wide. The front of the robot is round (half circle). Mounted in the front are 2 sets of infrared diodes/Recievers and a devantech PING module. The infrared diodes and recievers are mounted at 10, 45, 135, and 170 degrees and the devantech ping module is mounted at 90 degrees (front middle of the robot).

    The robots are equipped with bluetooth and RF modules. I am using the laipac 315mhz modules for remote control and the bluetooth modules to pass data back and forth between the robots and a stand alone computer. One robot is equipped with a laptop and webcam for use with Evolution robotics software package. Both robots are equipped with a GPS module, and I also have 2 compass modules handy if needed. The two side wheels are driven by two 12 volt dc motors. Which are controlled by 3 relays being driven by a L293 h-bridge motor controller. The relays don't allow for variable voltage so there is only 2 speeds, stop and go. The third wheel is just for balance.

    I think that is everything but if you need more info on anything I will be happy to answer.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2005-05-03 17:37
    musictech said...(trimmed)
    Mounted in the front are 2 sets of infrared diodes/Recievers and a devantech PING module. The infrared diodes and

    ·· Just as a matter of point, the PING))) is made by Parallax, not Devantech.· tongue.gif

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • musictechmusictech Posts: 54
    edited 2005-05-03 17:47
    I am using the ones made by devantech.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2005-05-03 17:50

    ·· That would be the SRF0x.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • musictechmusictech Posts: 54
    edited 2005-05-03 21:57
    Does anyone know what data is actually sent. Looks like an x position and a y position, but is that relative to the start location or can I use latitude and logitude?
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