Help in a hurry
I am trying to finish a school project up·for finals on Wednesday.· I am using a software program from evolution robotics that recognizes objects(runs in windows environment).· I am trying to interface it with the stamp, however it won't directly output to another program.· My two ideas are voice recognition since it speaks what it sees, but that doesn't seem to want to work.· The program can however run another program, so I am thinking creating a batch file in dos and running it.· I am fair in dos and I have no clue as how to get dos inputs to the stamp in real time anyway, so I am not sure if that will work.· Anyone have any clues?· It basically just needs to recognize an object and tell the stamp when it finds that object.· I only have 46 hours til presentation so ordering anything·or doing anything spectacular is out.· Any help would be appreciated.
The key here is if you have the ability to create an EXE file.
I would suggest Qbasic4.5 or some other program that you can
write that can "talk" to a STAMP.
Another approach might be to use a "keyboard stuffer" capable
of running in a script mode. From here you could pass keystrokes
into a terminal program that the STAMP might be able to read.
A program that comes to mind that I have used before is called
"PB" or Play Back.
Good luck
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
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Prepare two data files with the some data for RECOGNIZED or NOT RECOGNIZED, for example:
For Recognized use a file called YES.DAT that would contain "Y"
For not Recognized use a file called NOT.DAT that would contain "N"
To create both files that have no 'extra' contents use the following method:
From the DOS prompt:
Note that you dont have to write the expression (CTRL+Z). It means simply: press CTRL+Z. This will add an 'end of file' character.
Then press ENTER. You will have a YES.DAT in your current directory that will hold a 'Y'.
If you need the Not Recognized case repeat these steps for creating a NOT.DAT file.
then prepare a BAT file to be called from your program that would do the following:
For Recognized case:
For Not Recognized case:
This will send the data 'Y' or 'N' to your BasicStamp serial port.
To configure the COM1 port you can use the command MODE as in the follwing example:
mode COM1: BAUD=9600 PARITY=None DATA=8 STOP=1
Use the command 'mode /?' to see other options.
Insert the mode command ad the first line in your BAT file.