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KNEX robot. plase help :) — Parallax Forums

KNEX robot. plase help :)

Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
edited 2005-06-13 18:26 in Robotics
I saw the BOE-bot and I wondered how can I make my own robot. I decided on a tank made of knex. It all went well (see the pics) and I decided to have wiskers because they're cheap rather than ir (I live in NZ.) Then I had the idea of making it roam for a while then it would stop and wait for someone to walk past then BAM they would be shot by a rubberband. I can make the launcher alright but then how do I trigger it?

I have 1 servo to use and can't buy more ($49.00 NZ) any ideas on triggering would be handy.
Here is the only place I can buy parts (DSE New Zealand

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  • Russ FergusonRuss Ferguson Posts: 206
    edited 2005-04-28 23:56
    I have seen a clothes pin used as a trigger for a rubber band gun. The clothes pin was one of the spring loaded ones. See:

    A servo may have enough force to open a clothes pin. You will have to experiment with it.

    The bigger problem will be getting the robot to "see" that there is something to shoot at, and to "pull the trigger" at the right time. Maybe you could remotely trigger it by shinning a light on one of the CDs cells that came with the Parallax "Robotics" kit. The IR sensor can only see about one foot out which is a little close for shooting a rubber band at someone.
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-04-29 00:18
    Actually now that I think about it I have no idea how to make a sensor. It needs to be all on the robot so nothing is remote. E.G Sensor is on robot and so is torch. But that might not work please help

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2005-04-29 02:08

    ·· If you had gone with IR sensing you'd have what you need.· But with whiskers, you're out of luck unless someone bumps into the front of it.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2005-04-29 02:11
    Greetings Kiwi:

    DSE is the wrong place to get some things in NZ. Check with our distributor:

    E-Source Ltd.
    Phone: Intl: +64211929950
    Fax: Intl +64 9 521 3832

    Mike Wake can take care of you. Considering we sell Futaba S-148 servos for $10 US, I'm certain they can't cost more than $25-30NZ once they've made their way over the pond. And you also will need a wireless sensor like IR or perhaps our new PING))). Ask him about those - heck, we nearly give them to our distributors so you can have them for a reasonable cost like our American customers. If you find that the costs are still high, then e-mail and ask them for a USPS quote on the items you would like to have.

    I think DSE sells a Stamp for a good 40% higher than us, even taking into consideration the exchange rate. By the way, is there a microcontroller on this robot or are you trying to do this entirely with switches and logic?

  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-04-29 04:38
    Well Ken i'm using:

    2 X DC motors for drive systems (They're modified knex motors)
    1 X BS2 homework board

    For direction control I'm using 8 transistors (2 X H-Bridges)
    and I want to have whiskers for navigating, IR/CdS for person detection

    What I need help with is
    A) Triggering the gun (Rubberband Gun)
    B) Detecting people

    Any help would be good,

  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-04-29 04:46
    Hi micro here

    Who is Mike Wake?
    And can you give me his email?
  • Tronic (Greece)Tronic (Greece) Posts: 130
    edited 2005-05-03 07:59
    Your constraction looks neat but why dont you use rubber treads? I found a pair from a 8 dollar toy, that·I reconstruct it on my BS2 robot. Have a look:
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  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-03 08:48
    I can't get stuff like that in the NZ where I live freaked.gif
    The H-Bridge for direction control isn't going too well but thats no problem smile.gif
    The pics Are cool but I want to stick with knex although yours looks better

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  • Ben DamonBen Damon Posts: 42
    edited 2005-05-04 13:45
    I'm interested in how you modified the moters. As for detecting people. You have to have some sort of long range detector.... I just won't work to bump into somthing and then shoot it.

    Ben Damon

    And may God Bless America!
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-10 08:40
    all I did to modify them was put wires onto the terminals eg

    | | ||
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    | |=========

    so it isn't really 'modified just had new wires'

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  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-10 08:41
    srry but the drawing didn't come out but it has 2 sets of 2 wires

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  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-19 18:20
    I would try detecting a person by buying the PING)) Ultrasonic Rangfinder, and monitor the distance between the rangefinder and whatevers in front of it. When it senses a major change in distance, you could have it shout the rubberband
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-20 09:38
    ya but I decided to give up on this progect because the moters are to hard too controll

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  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-21 16:44
    what problems are you having with the motors?
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-21 20:47
    control with the H-Bridge


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  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-22 02:53
    I made a k'nex rubberband launcher using a continous rotation servo for the trigger. I also took a film of the rubberband gun working, a close-up of the mechanical parts, and from 4 angles.
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  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-22 03:01
    cry.gif·I couldn't upload the movie file.· So if you want to see the movie, send an email telling me you email address, and I'll send it to you. If anyone knows a better way to allow people to view the file, please tell me.
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-23 09:03
    Wow now that is waht I call cool cool.gif
    On second thought I don't need it to be mobile. Hey anyone know how to sense people with stuff that isn't too expensive
    form this site DickSmith Electronics

    Thanks heaps guys espcially Knex_Master smile.gif


    PS The Signature of mine didnt come out so I'm going to change it

    1 + 1 = Window


    Post Edited (Microman171) : 6/19/2005 8:17:28 AM GMT
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-24 08:26
    Like I said I would change my Sig and here it is. Just in case knex_master check your E-Mail. If it is smaller that 2Mb then send it too otherwise send it to the other one

    1 + 1 = Window

  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-24 19:29
    I sent the file. also, I don't fully understand what you are calling an "H-Bridge".
  • Microman171Microman171 Posts: 111
    edited 2005-05-25 04:54
    Do a google search on 'H - Bridge' It is made with transistors and is used for direction control

    1 + 1 = Window

  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2005-05-27 20:51

    Mike Wake is our distributor in New Zealand.· Here is his information:


    E-Source Ltd.
    Phone: Intl: +64211929950·
    Fax: Intl +64 9 521 3832
    Microman171 said...
    Hi micro here

    Who is Mike Wake?
    And can you give me his email?

    Dave Andreae

    Tech Support

  • Ben DamonBen Damon Posts: 42
    edited 2005-05-27 21:41
    I'm very interested in any k'nex stuff with the basic stamp. To me (who has 3 tubs and 3 large k'nex sets) It would be an easy way of mounting anything.

    Great job on both

    Ben Damon

    And may God Bless America!
  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-28 00:23
    I sent the movie, Ben. I can't help saying, though, that I also have about 3 tubs, but have bought and built the screaming serpent, rip'en rocket, the pinball arcade, big air ball factory, big ball factory, and the cyber k'nex ultra sets.
  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-05-30 01:35
    I forgot one set. I have also built the first k'nex roller coaster ( the one with the loop version).
  • Ben DamonBen Damon Posts: 42
    edited 2005-06-12 04:06
    ya, I got that 1 too. Along with the ball factory, and space training tower (the tallest k'nex set 6')

    Ben Damon

    And may God Bless America!
  • stamp_demonstamp_demon Posts: 69
    edited 2005-06-12 17:01
    what kit might someone buy, that has a fair selecton of parts that might be able to be used in robotics???
  • rockybulwinklerockybulwinkle Posts: 36
    edited 2005-06-12 21:29
    I'd say the best k'nex set to use with robotics is the cyber k'nex ultra set. it comes with a microprossesor, three motors that the prossesor can control, and an ir remote. the programming language is WAY over simplified, though. for example, there are no variables that you can use.
  • stamp_demonstamp_demon Posts: 69
    edited 2005-06-13 18:26
    Well I don't care so much about their microprossor. I am sure it is set up for children. Manly just the building blocks.... You know items that could be used to build decent basses for robotics. Gears, and such. But that sounds cool... Might be worth checking out....
    Just yeasterday I won a large box of knex on ebay for 5.50, plus 6.00 shipping. Hopfully it will have something to work with.... I'll problebly order your sejestion as well. thanx _Duane
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