Seattle Robotics
Hi All...
I am sure that most everyone who paruses the Parallax Discussion Forums knows about Seattle Robotics yahoo talk group, but just in case you don't there are some really neat folks there that are hard core 'bot freaks, and have more knowledge and experiance with 'bots in their little finger than 10 of me would have.
I hope that I have not violated a rule about discussing other sites on this forum, but I have found a lot of good 'bot and u-processor info there.·
All the best
Cats are the creator's method of demonstrating to mankind that man is not the supreme being.
I am sure that most everyone who paruses the Parallax Discussion Forums knows about Seattle Robotics yahoo talk group, but just in case you don't there are some really neat folks there that are hard core 'bot freaks, and have more knowledge and experiance with 'bots in their little finger than 10 of me would have.
I hope that I have not violated a rule about discussing other sites on this forum, but I have found a lot of good 'bot and u-processor info there.·
All the best
Cats are the creator's method of demonstrating to mankind that man is not the supreme being.
Regarding Seattle Robotics, the Encoder has several articles on BasicStamps. Come on, this is the USA! WE allow competition in the spirt of 'may the best man win'. There is a lot of good stuff there, but for entry level Parallax seems to understand how to make the best presentation with a simple computer language [noparse][[/noparse]the old Keep it Simple, stupid concept].
There is room for everyone and people that encourage you to go to the right place for your need are usually remembered for their kindness and honesty.
G. Herzog in Taiwan