cannot access 2nd line of 16x2 lcd (PIC, not BS)
Ok, I have a 16x2 LCD I bought from Jameco. It works great with the BS2, (I had to modify the example code a bit to get it to shift to 2nd line, I'll get back to that) but I cannot seem to get it to shift the cursor to the 2nd line, and it tries to display on the same line (with the PIC). Now, being long pieces of code, I will attach them and just use snippets as I need. The first attachment, LCD4bit.asm is for the PIC. The code came from (appears to be down ATM). The next piece of code (lcd.bs2) is the BS2 code that works (aka. goes to 2nd line). The PIC code doesn't seem to. I put both in here for comparison, and mabe someone could help me out. I don't have a very firm grip on the assembly for the PIC, so go easy on me 
Justin W.
Post Edited (Whelzorn) : 4/27/2005 3:21:54 PM GMT

Justin W.
Post Edited (Whelzorn) : 4/27/2005 3:21:54 PM GMT