dc/dc converter
Hello my friends
i would like to build or to buy a converter dc/dc with Vin 2-10 volts and Vout 12-24volts and if its possible with p=200-500watt
if someone knows how this can be build or a site to sell it please tell me
thank you
i would like to build or to buy a converter dc/dc with Vin 2-10 volts and Vout 12-24volts and if its possible with p=200-500watt
if someone knows how this can be build or a site to sell it please tell me
thank you
·· Many distributors, such as Jameco and Digikey carry these devices.· Check out their web sites.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
i have try very much on the internet but is very difficult to find something like that,and at the stores here noone knows how to build it
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
An animal with such low input voltage could at best be 25 to 50 efficient, so we may be looking at switching 1000 amps??????
Good luck! I think you need to rethink your requirements to be somewhat more realistic.
Peter (pjv)
·· Thanks for catching that, I was thinking mW, not W!· That is going to be a fun thing to do.· To that end, I don't believe Jameco OR Digikey are going to have something like that.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
if you know how to build or to buy a dc/dc converter with Vin2-10 and Vout 12-24 volts·just that,if you dont understand something please ask me again
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
It is very difficult to give help or advice when you are just keeping us guessing.
As stated several posts above, please tell us in some detail what you are trying to accomplish so that we can assist you, otherwise I for one, and I presume others as well, will not be interested in responding to your pleas for help.
Peter (pjv)
This method is far from perfect, its physically large and its efficiency is poor. If you don't understand the explanation above, I don't have much more room to explain further, this is not a simple project and to discuss all of the factors involved would fill a small book.
Peter (pjv)
I'm actually working in my own PWM power supply, as mentioned in another thread.
But just MAYBE 100 watts from 12VDC.
Paul. I'm pretty sure that a full wave rectifier would not be needed if only a single wound primary/secondary transformer was used as the output would always just be pulsed DC as well. So a single diode would work.
If it's PUSH-PULL then there's a little more to it depending if it's dual ended (= and - potential to common) or just one voltage output.