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Clock problem with PCF8583 — Parallax Forums

Clock problem with PCF8583

PlantpotPlantpot Posts: 2
edited 2005-05-13 20:20 in BASIC Stamp
jumpin.gifHi, I'm just starting with BS2 products and I try to use a PCF8583 to get Time on my LCD display.
I found a BS2 sample program on Parallax web site to deal directly with my BS2 (attached file).This program
works at 98%. There is a debug windows to set Hours /Minutes and seconds. Minutes and second are set and send back perfectly to the debug window but Hours are not set!!!! Hours reading is working because when I set Minutes and second to 59, Hours are increasing. I tried to catch and read" hour" value in the program without succes ?????
Is there somebody that meet this problem before.Thank you for your help
Best regards


  • PlantpotPlantpot Posts: 2
    edited 2005-05-13 20:20
    Nobody to help me ? so I did it myself folowing Jon comments !
    To set Hours you need to add a missing code in "put_clock" subroutine.
    I2Cwork register is loaded with the hour value but "GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte" code is missing to send the value to PCF 8583. So just add GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte before GOSUB I2C_Stop and it works fine.
    Thank you Jon.
    Best regards
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