stepper motor help nedeed
I have purchased a stepper motor from Parallax code 27964. I have downloaded all the PDF files for information about cable connection. Unfortunately, the motor has six cables and the motor described in the diagram·of StampWorks shows only five cables. Also the color code is not the same in the diagram and the real motor sended by Parallax.
I need to have information about the required conectivity for the setup of StampWorks experiments, prior to start in the old "trail and error" game, which may put the motor and BS2 on risk.
Thanks in advance
I need to have information about the required conectivity for the setup of StampWorks experiments, prior to start in the old "trail and error" game, which may put the motor and BS2 on risk.
Thanks in advance
·· There is documentation for the Stepper Motor available from our website page for that product.· Unfortunately sometimes a supplier will change something about a product and we don't catch it right away.· If your Stepper Motor has 6 wires, and 2 are the same color, they should both be common leads, and can be tied together.· Also, the colors don't need to match exactly what's in the StampWorks project, just the same phases/coils on the motor, regardless of color.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks for your help, in fact the motor has two brown cables, so I will assume this two wires are common leds as you suggest.
I have to ask you how can I identify the phases related to the cables, in order to connect it properly in the NX-100, I don't know how to do that
Thanks again and best regards
·· I apologize, I meant to address that.· If the datasheet we have on our web site doesn't match the motor you have, you can try a Google Search for the datasheet by the Part Number and/or Manufacturer.· Otherwise I will see what I can do to get this fixed Monday.· Sometimes these things happen.· Rest assured, it will be addressed though.· Sorry for any inconvenience.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I have searched the motor, the details is on the follow page:
Unfortunately, in the info and in the PDF doesn't appears the color code wiring related to phases and other functions.
I'm a little confusing about this, can u help me on Monday pls?
Again, thanks for your support
·· Okay, I'll tell you what, if nobody else has an answer before then, I will post Monday on this, because you're right, the page you posted doesn't show which wires connect to which coils, and I don't want to confuse you by having you test wire pairs with a multimeter.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
According to Minebea Electronics, the motor send to me from Parallax is a 24Volts motor and the NX-1000 provides only 12volts. Maybe this is the problem here?
By other hand, I finally found the wiring guide diagram here:
I hope all of this info could help in solving the problem.
Thanks again for your support
·· Are you sure you have the right datasheet?· The motor should be a 12V motor.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The motor Parallax (or the supplier) has sent to me is PM42S-096 and the datasheet of THIS model shows that works at 24 volts.
Despite this, I'm happy to say the problem has been solved with some effort and searching. Maybe could be useful to other guys who has purchased the same motor to parallax.
At first, the color code of the motor doesn't fit with the Parallax diagrams neither the diagram from the manufacturer. However, with a multitester is possible to identify the wiring of the two coils for figure out this issue quickly.
Second, the DATA statement of the example program supplied by Parallax in experiment #26 has to be corrected, according to the sequence indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet mentioned in earlier posting here.
With this two fixes the motor finally runs smooth in both directions controlled by the potenciometer, as indicated in the experiment.
Again, thank you very much for your continuos support.
Best regards
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
I live outside USA and I use a courier in Miami to manage all muy shipments.
So your suggestion about return the motor(s) (we are talking about 2 motors purchased) means custom costs, shipment costs and same problems when Parallax replace the motors. So the solution will be more expensive than the problem itself, as you can see...
I'm sorry about the Parallax mistake, but I not in position to "pay" for this mistake, I hope you will understand my point.
You can check my order in your system as Order #27272 from April 06,2005
Thanks and best regards
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
We're sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm attaching a doc that may solve your problem.
We don't have it in the web anymore because we are currently not selling those stepper motors (but we used to).
Somehow some of them were in inventory and were shipped.
Nothing is bad with them, but they don't match our current documentation.
We prefer to change the motor for the one that matches the documentation (as you were supposed to receive since the beginning) whenever possible.
The motor you received is one of the widely used in printers and I used to recycle them to build robots while I was living in Argentina (
The advantage of that motor is that you have access to both coils and to their middle point (6 cables) and you can drive it as unipolar or bipolar, depending on your application.
In education it was very useful to demo how to drive any stepper motor.
Because you're an international customer, I would recommend you to first try the schematic on this doc so you can wire it properly and if you have any problems please feel free to email me directly ( to get this problem solved.
Aristides Alvarez
Education and Technical Support Manager
Parallax, Inc.
Thanks to you and all the other folks from parallax, finally I have the two motor running smoothly with some reserach in Internet and the valuable help from you.
In fact, most of the answers are given in this PDF I'm attaching. This PDF file is from Minebea, the manufaturer of the motor and, despieta thecolor code of the wiring doesn't match with the modle sent, it is very easy to identify the correct color wiring code using a multitester, given the fact that brown cables are common (+12 volts in this case)
The rest is a little modification in the Data Statement of the Exercise 26 program, to match the recommended switching sequence from Minebea in page 13 of this PDF and...voil
If you are still around could you be a bit more specific on what changes you ended up making for this motor setup in which wires went to which pin on the 2003 and what was modified in the code.
The detailed information (full schematic and sample code) is three posts above.
Please check the file "2-2 phase Unipolar Stepper Motor1_3.pdf".
Aristides Alvarez
Education and Technical Support Manager
Parallax, Inc.
I had not paid attention to the code you had included, even after Merlin had pointed out the sequence needed adjustment.
I just like to annoy myself I guess.
Got it all working, thank you.