What's your favorite project you have done so far?
I'm just wondering, would anyone mind sharing their favorite, or one of your favorite, projects you have done with your robot (primarily but not necessarily boe-bot)?· It doesn't matter if you used·the program and circuit from a manual or book or if it is·your own invention.
Any replies would be appreciated.·
"Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll·land among the stars."

Any replies would be appreciated.·

"Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll·land among the stars."
This is a cool robot, you should post this in the "Projects" forum with your link to your website when you are finished. If you could share your code and maybe a wiring diagram, that would be very helpful for the Javelin people. Great job!
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
"Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll·land among the stars."
Very cool. Why not list it in the finished projects area for everyone?
G. Herzog in Taiwan
········· I hope this is not completely off topic but, it is a project and on the robotics level. The original is a demo I did for Parallax Inc. about 4 years ago. I then started on the new one and am about 80% done with 20 songs. The original had ode to joy, daisy, chop sticks, wave, row row your boat, twinkle twinkle little start, are you sleeping and marry had a little lamb. The new one will have the same but included some more complexes songs. Hopeful I will be able to finish it this year.
Stephen Swanson
Technical Support
Parallax, Inc.
··········· The original had pull solenoids that needed to be powered during the song to allow the tone to resonate. They also used a rubber grommet to cut down on the clicking noise when playing.· The new ones are push type with pull springs. The solenoids do make a slight thump but when a note is played it is not audible. For the notes I have adjusted the length of the note by increasing the contact time. With the hard plastic tips on the solenoids it gives a ting sound but with wooded tips that could be cut down.
Stephen Swanson
Technical Support
Parallax, Inc.
I'd be interested in hearing an audio file of one of the songs....
"SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.
"Great people talk about great things, average people talk about average things, small people talk about other people."
Sure let me rig something up, so I can record the sound.
Stephen Swanson
Technical Support
Parallax, Inc.
What a great idea! I'm with Bean, I'd sure like to hear your project play too. Even better.... how about a short video clip so we can watch all the action as it plays?
Thanks for sharing your project,