L14G3 phototransistor and a continuous rotation servo
I have started experimenting with a L14G3 phototransistor and a continuous rotation servo. The object was that when the transistor sees light it would turn the servo. I programmed the SX/B with the code below, and wired the transistor as shown in the diagram. The project works as I expected with one exception.
My problem is if I touch the 220 ohm resistor between the transistor emitter and the SX pin RC.0 the servo will turn, can anyone explain this to me and help me fix this problem.
· PULSOUT RA.2, 149, 1······························ ‘ pulse out to servo on RA.2
· PAUSE 20
· RC.0 = 0
· GOTO Main
' Program Code
· INPUT RC.0················································ ‘ input from phototransistor
· IF RC.0 = 1 THEN Right
· GOTO Start
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 4/22/2005 5:53:28 AM GMT
I have started experimenting with a L14G3 phototransistor and a continuous rotation servo. The object was that when the transistor sees light it would turn the servo. I programmed the SX/B with the code below, and wired the transistor as shown in the diagram. The project works as I expected with one exception.
My problem is if I touch the 220 ohm resistor between the transistor emitter and the SX pin RC.0 the servo will turn, can anyone explain this to me and help me fix this problem.
· PULSOUT RA.2, 149, 1······························ ‘ pulse out to servo on RA.2
· PAUSE 20
· RC.0 = 0
· GOTO Main
' Program Code
· INPUT RC.0················································ ‘ input from phototransistor
· IF RC.0 = 1 THEN Right
· GOTO Start
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 4/22/2005 5:53:28 AM GMT
When the transistor is off, the input is floating (bad).
Try a 10K then move up or down from there.
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The 10K resistor did the trick I appreciate the help.
Mike W