EMIC Text to Speech module to telephone line
Hello guys
I'm working on a project that requires an interface between the EMIC Text to Speech module and the telephone line.· I think the output of the EMIC (SP+, SP-·pins) can't be connected directly to the telephone but I don't know what to do.· Any suggestions I should do to be able to hear speech from the EMIC module through the telephone.· This is my senior design project and it's due in 10 days so I really really need your help.
Thanks a lot guys....I really appreciate your help.
I'm working on a project that requires an interface between the EMIC Text to Speech module and the telephone line.· I think the output of the EMIC (SP+, SP-·pins) can't be connected directly to the telephone but I don't know what to do.· Any suggestions I should do to be able to hear speech from the EMIC module through the telephone.· This is my senior design project and it's due in 10 days so I really really need your help.

Thanks a lot guys....I really appreciate your help.
It has some analog inputs for voice or DTMF.
I wonder how you would do this with a standard modem. A hacked USR 14.4k....is it just enough to connect a phone cord to the modem from you EMIC (or other mics) using the tip and ring pins?? ANYONE???
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