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Is BASIC Stamp appropriate for this real-time data acquisition project? — Parallax Forums

Is BASIC Stamp appropriate for this real-time data acquisition project?

MatheusMatheus Posts: 1
edited 2005-04-21 21:58 in BASIC Stamp
Hello, I am a software engineer who has involuntarly landed into a project involving microcontrollers, a subject I have little background.

The project needs to acquire data from a certain sensor at 20KHz and send it to a desktop PC. Each sample from the sensor is encoded in a single byte. I am unsure whether a BASIC Stamp module has enough performance to handle a sampling rate like this. Can anyone help? If possible, I would like to use the Java STAMP module, but this is not a requirement.

Any help, hint or suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.


  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-04-21 21:58
    I am afraid that the Java Stamp is a no go, this thread in the Javalin forum shows that a data throughput of ~1Ksps is possible, over an order of magnitude too slow.

    The fastest stamp, the recently released·Stamp 2px, has an instruction throughput of 19KIPS. Again this is too slow for your application.

    The SX however can perform what you need with both hands tied behind its back. With the SX/B (Basic compiler for the SX) programming the SX can be fairly painless, its not as simple to use as PBASIC since the nuances of the SX microcontroller are not hidden from you, but it isn't that difficult once you master the idea that the SX's program and data space is segmented into pages.
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