Serial EEPROM advice
My SX project now requires some storage , and im going to need around 256bytes or more
can someone advise me on some iC to look for?
thanks again.
can someone advise me on some iC to look for?
thanks again.
i will be moving some small blocks of memory around , usually a word or a byte at a time
I want to seup up something similar to a syntheizers PATCH memory , each patch on my program is going to be around 12 bytes , and i wish to store around 99 of this program blocks in eeprom
for future projects i will need to access faster memory so i guess some info on whats out there would be helpful [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Parallax has an 8K EEPROM, but it's a bit pricy at $10.50, but it has stamp code to use it.
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If non-volatility is something you want, then you could get something like Microchip's 25C040. Its a·1 kByte serial SPI EEPROM availible for <$1 at digikey.
You sound like you want something akin to the stamps scratchpad, am I correct? If I am, get the first part mentioned and you wont have to worry about wear-leveling and MTBF rates.
the programs will be edited and stored in this eeprom
my project does require a small area to move bytes around . along with a storage area for the main programs ..
so really ill be looking at BOTH types..
Check the thread "Serial Rams" last posted by Paul Baker on March 24 regarding this issue. In my research on the matter, the Ramtron FM25256 (5V) is a good choice; the low voltage (3.3V) version FM25L256 has UNLIMITED read/writes, serial SPI access, and a relatively fast 20MHz clock. It is also available in I2C, but that is such an ugly protocol, I don't know why anyone would ever use I2C if there is another choice. Poking at their website, I see also that parallels are available.
From my persective, the FM25256 with SPI is the only way to go. In fact I'm designing it in on a SX52 general purpose development board similar to my contest entry that I will be selling in the near future. My samples are on the way, and I want confirm my understanding of their operation.
Some of the product variations are stocked by Future.
Peter (pjv)