i have been wanting to make an electical lock using an old fone keypad but, im not sure how, ive takin the keypad out of the fone and the port for it, but i cant tell wich button is wich string of metal on the plastic band that goes fromt eh keypad to the port
so there are·3 column lines and 4 row lines, when a key is pressed the row and column corresponding to the key is electrically connected. By using a multimeter and testing which lines are connected when you press the button you can determine which wire is which. Then find an NV article or helpfile which has example code.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 4/21/2005 2:39:48 AM GMT
If you search the web, you can find less expensive alternatives. I recently picked up a project case with a 15 button keypad from Radio Shack a few days ago for $4.99 - P/N 270-215. This was a discontinued item - which is why the price was so low. I was able to connect the keypad to a BS2 using a circuit similar to the one listed in Nuts & Volts #22 (which you can download from Parallax) and I modified the program to read the keypad.
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