Hi All!
This is directed mainly to the administrator...
I have been using the BSII for about a year now, and have become rather adapt at using and programing the thing.· I have learned a lot using the various books and devices from Parallax, and would recomend the company to anyone without reservation.· However, I am in need of more computing power than the tiny PIC can really muster, and would love to see a full blown CPU based Single Board Computer offered by Parallax...There are scores of companies out there that make PC/104, EPIC and EBX computers, as well as Eurocard and mil-spec devices.· However, these companies like to sell in batches of 100, offer only minimal support, and well, their products are meant for microwave ovens and FA-18 jets...I need something that would have a set of developement tools, (just like the BSII products), and that were made available by a quality company that cared about the small developer and experimenter like myself.·
Thank you very much
Codecat (aka Joe)
This is directed mainly to the administrator...
I have been using the BSII for about a year now, and have become rather adapt at using and programing the thing.· I have learned a lot using the various books and devices from Parallax, and would recomend the company to anyone without reservation.· However, I am in need of more computing power than the tiny PIC can really muster, and would love to see a full blown CPU based Single Board Computer offered by Parallax...There are scores of companies out there that make PC/104, EPIC and EBX computers, as well as Eurocard and mil-spec devices.· However, these companies like to sell in batches of 100, offer only minimal support, and well, their products are meant for microwave ovens and FA-18 jets...I need something that would have a set of developement tools, (just like the BSII products), and that were made available by a quality company that cared about the small developer and experimenter like myself.·
Thank you very much
Codecat (aka Joe)
Suggest you consider the primer with the 8085.
I use 2 of these and they are very good. 32k of eprom and 32k or ram possible on board. 4.5 x 6.0 inches pack a whalop.
Basic c forth or assembler(machine language) with keyboard and display on board.
All system buss is accessable and it also includes a simple a to d and d to a facility. I have been using these for about 10 years.......
Thanks for the ideals...I am using a BS2 (basic green) for three areas of interest...home automation, weather monitoring and robotics. The first two things work great...the robotic applications are a little more dicey far as controlling the robot they are fine, and sensory input is excelent as well, however I need much more mathematical power in order to process the inputs the way I want and to send commands to the controller to controll the robots movement in new terrain. Even with the FPU coprocessor, there is not enough math umph. I do not know anything at all about using the Gate Arrays, and stand in awe of their potential. I have not found much info on them at the usual places, (bookstore) and fear that they would be a real bear to program. Maybe if Parallax would come up with an educational package like with the BS2, it would be the answer...that is how I learned to use the BS2 with their BOE and the various books. I still experiment with it on a daily basis! I am sorry to hear that they are not contemplating a SBC, though I understand the business rational behind such a decision, though.
I must say, Parallax is one excelent bunch of folks!
All the best,
Does the e-mac unit interface with a PC? I quickly visited their web site and will spend a proper amount of time there tonite...I think that this would be a move in the right direction, particularly if I can write code on my notebook and then compile and download to the SBC. I am very lucky in my employment situation...I can sit and write code all day long, (or read a book or whatever) and get paid well for it. (Don't ask...can't tell)
Thanks for the tip!
Joe (codecat)
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Actually, I have seriously thought about it...I have an old book titled build your own 8088 and love it, and would do so if I thought that I could do a halfway reasonable job of making the printed circuit board...but then, I probably would make it a 8086 and use a daughter board for the FPU (8087) of which I have a stash of about a fifty or so...they are hard to come by now. My design skills are not so good as my code skills though, and I would rather not have to worry about debuging hardware. I also like the old Z-80 (don't very first computer was a timex sinclare).
My ultimate goal is once I get the spatial computation and obstical recognition problems reduced somewhat using a simple wheeled 'bot, I want to move up to one of the crust crawler's souped up hex crawlers. No THAT is a 'bot...
All the best,
yes put you support on dos boot floppy and write basic assembler c ..... Look up c. Also they have forth support .
Db 9 interface. Can be used to talk to pc or use to talk to outside world. Full system buss accessable.
You can't really say government job, because I didn't say that I don't ever do ANYTHING!!!!...
I will be happy to yak all day long about computers, micro controllers, robots, men's free style skating, and old airplanes and skydiving, (particularly when the person I am yaking with knows more about the subject than I), but really can't for contractural and legal reasons say much more about my occupation.
All the best
If anybody was offended please accept my apologies.
Same here...I was only joking about government jobs...I have many friends in GS rated jobs, and only wish mine had the security of a GS job...My little comment was a rather poor attempt at humor, and nothing more. (That is why I put the smiley emoticon in the statement)
Ken, I took no offense whatsoever! It is almost impossible to offend me! And I also appreciated the tip on the eme systems as well.
All the best,
I took spences advice and ordered the EMAC 8085 Primer Trainer kit and the basic upgrade and heavy duty for 200 bucks I get a decent 8085 SBC with a RS232 port, an excelent keypad and software to communicate with my notebook, and a C compiler. Next is an assembler and maybe a forth compiler if I can find one...It also has an LED display. I am anxious to receive this and put it together and start coding.
After this, I will start to look for a slightly smaller 8085 card, without keyboard and LED display to use on a Hexcrawler. There is also (for anyone who might be looking for such a thing) an 8086 maximum mode SBC with an 8087 slot. This device (in the model that I want) cost about $400. It is sold by MTAB. I am thinking about using this for the highly mathematical computations that I have in mind for a truly autonomous 'bot.
If any one has any experiance with the·EMAC unit, please let me know! I am interested in what you think.
All the best,
Cats are the creator's method of demonstrating to mankind that man is not the supreme being.
Post Edited (Codecat) : 4/24/2005 3:23:58 AM GMT
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