Serial Ouput in Assembly resources
Im Sorry if this question has been asked before..
but I wish to study and learn out to code serial output routines in Assembly , mainly for driving serial LCD displays and sending
MIDI data.
if anyone has any begginners code or information i can study i would much app. it
but I wish to study and learn out to code serial output routines in Assembly , mainly for driving serial LCD displays and sending
MIDI data.
if anyone has any begginners code or information i can study i would much app. it
"SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.
"A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
i have used the "ExploringTheSx+Basic.pdf" file on the parallax website.
I have simulated the code on a piece of paper . Like they do in school.
Following the code and you will understand it completely. Don't use the complete listing but the subroutines by subroutines together with the ISR routine.It took me some days to understand.
Also i have used the "VirtPeripMan.pdf" file on the parallax website.
Good luck
leaning toward Assembly .. even some documents for the PIC would be ok .. so i can really get to understand it completely
thanks again
here is a good book for the PIC that goes through quite alot about the PIC with assembly and various forms of serial comms. you will need lots of time to read this one its fairly large