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Outputing a variable to LCD

gtchiefgtchief Posts: 7
edited 2005-04-13 14:46 in BASIC Stamp
We want to combine the code below·and we also want to include a calculated variable after top speed.· Any suggestions?

' {$STAMP BS2}
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
' Ports used
················ RS CON 4 ' Register Select (1 = char)
················ E CON 5· ' LCD Enable pin (1 = enabled)
' LCD control characters
················ ClrLCD CON $01 ' clear the LCD
················ CrsrHm CON $02 ' move cursor to home position
················ CrsrLf CON $10 ' move cursor left
················ CrsrRt CON $14 ' move cursor right
················ DispLf CON $18 ' shift displayed chars left
················ DispRt CON $1C ' shift displayed chars right
················ DDRam CON $80· ' Display Data RAM control
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
················ char VAR Byte· ' character sent to LCD
················ index VAR Byte ' loop counter
[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]
················ Msg DATA "Top Speed: "·· ' preload message

[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
Init:··········· DIRL = %00111111·· ' set pins 0-5 as outputs
················ OUTS = $0000······ ' clear the pins
' Initialize the LCD (Hitachi HD44780 controller)
LCDinit:········ PAUSE 500 ' Wait for LCD init
················ ' =================================
················ ' STANDARD HITACHI 44780 4-BIT INIT
················ ' =================================
················ char=%00000011 ' Set 8-bit mode (1)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00000011 ' Set 8-bit mode (2)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00000011 ' Set 8-bit mode (3)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00000010 ' Set 4-bit mode
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00101111 ' Set duty cycle 11xx = 5x11 matrix
················ GOSUB LCDcmd·· ' 10xx = 5x8 matric
················ char=%00000000 ' Display control mode
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00001000 ' Set display OFF, cursor OFF, blink OFF
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00000000 ' Display control mode
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00001111 ' Set display ON, cursor ON, blink ON
················ GOSUB LCDcmd·· ' 11CB -> C=1 cursor on, B=1 blink on
················ char=%00000000 ' Entry control mode
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00000110 ' Set cursor right, no display shift
················ GOSUB LCDcmd·· ' 01IS -> I=1 cursor right, S=1 shift display
················ char = ClrLCD· ' Clear LCD
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
[noparse][[/noparse] Main Code ]
················ FOR index = 0 TO 39
·················· READ Msg + index, char ' get character from memory
·················· GOSUB LCDwr··········· ' write it to the LCD
················ NEXT

················ PAUSE 4000·············· ' wait 2 seconds
················ 'char = ClrLCD··········· ' clear the LCD
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ PAUSE 4000
················ GOTO LCDinit·············· ' do it all over
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
' Send command to the LCD
LCDcmd:········· LOW RS ' enter command mode
' Write ASCII char to LCD
················ OUTA = char.HIGHNIB ' output high nibble
················ PULSOUT E, 1······· ' strobe the Enable line
················ OUTA = char.LOWNIB· ' output low nibble
················ PULSOUT E, 1
················ HIGH RS············ ' return to character mode
················ RETURN


  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-04-13 14:46
    Here's a very simple routine that will print your value at the current cursor position on the LCD.· Mind you, this is simple, so the value is 0-padded:

    · FOR idx = 4 TO 0···················· ' print five digits
    ··· char = (theValue DIG idx) + "0"··· ' get digit, convert to ASCII
    ··· GOSUB LCDwr······················· ' print on LCD
    · NEXT
    · RETURN

    Change the starting value of the FOR-NEXT loop to control how many digits get printed.· If, for example, you only needed three digits on the display, the starting value would be 2.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
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