Understanding Serout Sx/B baud rate and so on ..
Im trying to workout something ..
If i program my Basicstamp to run my Serial LCD display , when i use serout , i set the baud rate to N9600 ,
If i duplicated the same program , same LCD , i can only get it to work using T9600
Is this because the logic on the output pins in Pbasic is inverted ? or opposite...
thanks again ..
If i program my Basicstamp to run my Serial LCD display , when i use serout , i set the baud rate to N9600 ,
If i duplicated the same program , same LCD , i can only get it to work using T9600
Is this because the logic on the output pins in Pbasic is inverted ? or opposite...
thanks again ..
Can you post the code and/or schematic for each.
It should be the same for both.
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it has 3 pins .. serial .. and vss vdd
When i code for this LCD for the BS2 , In pbasic , i use the baud rate lcdbaud con 84 , when i code for bs2sx , i use lcdbaud con 240 which i understand is 8 bit no parity TRUE for this type of LCD
my silly mistake..·I assume·this is the same as T9600 in sx/b ........
thanks for the help.
Post Edited (duffling) : 4/14/2005 5:45:37 AM GMT