Boe-Bot Parts in the UK?
Hi All,
Having just purchased a Boe-Bot thru Ebay from the States, I was wondering if there are any outlets for Boe-Bot accessories in the UK?
I noticed Parallax sell some parts on Ebay but the P&P is $65 which really negates any Ebay saving and puts me at a distinct disadvantage to my American cousins.
I purchased a Crawler kit from Parallax in anticipation of Boe-Bots arrival and with P&P even that works out at circa $60 in total.
Having just purchased a Boe-Bot thru Ebay from the States, I was wondering if there are any outlets for Boe-Bot accessories in the UK?
I noticed Parallax sell some parts on Ebay but the P&P is $65 which really negates any Ebay saving and puts me at a distinct disadvantage to my American cousins.
I purchased a Crawler kit from Parallax in anticipation of Boe-Bots arrival and with P&P even that works out at circa $60 in total.
The folks at the link below are located in the UK and I suspect they may have what you may be looking for:
Bruce Bates
Thanks for the reply, I had found that site but could only find the kit and not the accessories, listed on the Parallax site specifically for the Boe-Bot.
I also found this site:
But they are far too expensive for accessories - They want £46.55 +P&P for the Crawler kit
You lucky people in the States can buy them for· $17.95
Post Edited (WilliamSmith) : 4/10/2005 9:30:41 PM GMT
We can send specific accessories to the distributor for you to purchase.· You can e-mail our sales department and they can arrange for you to purchase certain accessories, it may take a little longer due to the timiming of the shipments.· If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me direct at
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Congratulations to Parallax on their turnaround times. Assuming you didn't process my order until Monday, my Crawler kit arrived (UK) this morning (Thursday) and I have built the kit. All I need now is my Boe-Bot which is also coming from the States (Not from Parallax)!
Post Edited (WilliamSmith) : 4/14/2005 4:30:56 PM GMT
Now looking forward to the Pbasic and component elements......
Incidentally, had to go out and buy a serial port PCI card as the "no name" USB to Serial converter I purchased previously just doesn't work!