Understanding Signals - Optiscope- Chapter 3 Activity #1 Problem - no sound wit

Understanding Signals - Chapter 3 - Activity #1
page 36·in text version 1.0
I'm using homework board and leaving off the breadboard·the 220 resistor
Without the 1 uF cap in the circuit:
- tone from speaker i sheard (although very soft)
- nice image of rough wave on Oscope
When 1 uF cap is added:
- tone stops from speaker
-·Oscop image goes nicely to sine wave.
Why does speaker stop functioning when cap is added?
page 36·in text version 1.0
I'm using homework board and leaving off the breadboard·the 220 resistor
Without the 1 uF cap in the circuit:
- tone from speaker i sheard (although very soft)
- nice image of rough wave on Oscope
When 1 uF cap is added:
- tone stops from speaker
-·Oscop image goes nicely to sine wave.
Why does speaker stop functioning when cap is added?
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 4/12/2005 3:06:14 AM GMT