Question about hooking up PING))) to a BS2
I read the article about hooking up a BS2 to a PING))) in Nuts and Volts but had some questions about it that I thought you guys could help me with.· If you wish to see the article, it is available here:
I got confused about the various conversions with the */ and ** that were made; I understand what each of the operators do, but I didn't understand how the whole process worked.
Could someone give me something like·a list of bullet points to explain the process of converting·a pulse width received from the PING))) module to a real distance in cm or inches?
Thanks for your help,
Unreal tournament 2004 rox
I read the article about hooking up a BS2 to a PING))) in Nuts and Volts but had some questions about it that I thought you guys could help me with.· If you wish to see the article, it is available here:
I got confused about the various conversions with the */ and ** that were made; I understand what each of the operators do, but I didn't understand how the whole process worked.
Could someone give me something like·a list of bullet points to explain the process of converting·a pulse width received from the PING))) module to a real distance in cm or inches?
Thanks for your help,
Unreal tournament 2004 rox