Just a few tech questions.
- If a DC motor requires a specific voltage/current etc.. to reach a specific RPM, will the same motor produce the equivelent voltage/current capacity if the same motor is manually pushed to the same RPM.· I·know that it will·generate charge but is the result proportional?
- Can·the output of an·I/O pin on the basic2 chip be set to equal the input of another I/O pin.· Programaticly and without delay?
- If two piezo crystals·are·connected·through a somewhat rigid object(hard rubber, plastic, etc..)·one with a frequency applied to it.· Will the second crystal generate a signal similar to the frequency pushed against it?··
For argument sake suppose your motor is 70% efficient
When you apply a certain amount of power, there is a 30% loss due to friction, coil resistance etc.
Now in order to produce the same power by turning it, you still need to overcome friction and the
coil resistance, but this time you need to increase the speed of rotation to get there by probably
another 30%.
2) Yes, the output of one pin can be made to reflect the state of another pin, but not without delay.
3) Yes... what you have created is an electro-mechanical delay line. Use a SPRING for your rigid object,
and you have an old style echo or reverb effect.
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
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500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
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For instance say you want bit 5 and bit 0 to reflect the same value: to set both bits to 1,·OR the PINS variable with the hexadecimal value $11; to clear both bits to 0, AND the PINS variable with the hexadecimal value $EE (the inverse of $11).
If I understand the question correctly, you want a inverter with no time delay.· I think I have a few of those in my·junk drawer, let me just take a peek.....