Glossary of Key terms? In the Boe-Bot book?
I'm just thinking that maybe having a glossary for key words like "debug" might be a good idea in the Boe-Bot robotics book.. I've been reading it actually for 5 hours straight tonight, and flipping from one book to another get's kinda harsh.· Anyhow is it at all possable in the next revision?
My Computer Specs
"I had no professional training, I gave it my all, I have no regrets" -William Hung
My Computer Specs
"I had no professional training, I gave it my all, I have no regrets" -William Hung

We have the BASIC Stamp manual·version 2.1 which has a discription and sample code for each command.· The manual is quite large and for us to add it·to all of our educational text, it would be·very·expensive.· However, you able to download the BASIC Stamp manual for free from our website under ""Downloads" and then "Documentation".
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
If your BASIC Stamp Editor software is open, you can also just click the Help button and look the term up there.· It's much faster.
My Computer Specs
"I had no professional training, I gave it my all, I have no regrets" -William Hung