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Indirect Addressing?

beardcmbeardcm Posts: 12
edited 2005-04-06 05:24 in General Discussion
I'm having trouble understanding·what this command in the sendstring2 subroutine really does in relation to the addressing:


**refer to code above**


  • beardcmbeardcm Posts: 12
    edited 2005-04-06 03:26
    Sorry, forgot to post the code for the previous message.

    Program Code:



    ; ** Baud Rates for UART 1 **
    U1B1200 ;baud rate of 1.2 Kbps

    ; ** Baud Rates for UART 2· **

    U2B9600 ;baud rate of 9.6 kbps

    IFDEF SX_Key ;SX-Key Directives

    · IFDEF SX28AC ;SX28AC device directives for SX-Key
    device SX28,oschs2,turbo,stackx,optionx
    · ENDIF

    · IFDEF SX48_52 ;SX48/52/BD device directives for SX-Key
    device oschs2
    · ENDIF
    freq 50_000_000

    ELSE · ;SASM Directives
    · IFDEF SX28AC ;SX28AC device directives for SASM
    device SX28,oschs2,turbo,stackx,optionx
    · ENDIF
    · IFDEF SX48_52 ;SX48BD or SX52BD device directives for SASM
    device SX52,oschs2·
    · ENDIF

    id '2UART VP' ;
    reset resetEntry ; set reset vector



    ; Macro: _bank
    ; Sets the bank appropriately for all revisions of SX.
    ; This is required since the bank instruction has only a 3-bit
    operand, it cannot be used to
    ; access all 16 banks of the SX48/52.· FSR.7 (SX48/52bd production
    release) needs to be set
    ; appropriately, depending on the bank address being accessed. This
    macro fixes this.
    ; So, instead of using the bank instruction to switch between banks,
    use _bank instead.


    _bank macro 1
    · noexpand
    bank \1
    IFDEF SX48_52
    ·· IF \1 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank
    · expand
    setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by
    · noexpand
    ··· ·· ELSE
    · expand
    clrb fsr.7
    · noexpand
    ········· ENDIF

    ; Macro: _mode
    ; Sets the MODE register appropriately for all revisions of SX.
    ; This is required since the MODE (or MOV M,#) instruction has only a
    4-bit operand.
    ; The SX28AC use only 4 bits of the MODE register, however the
    SX48/52BD have
    ; the added ability of reading or writing some of the MODE registers,
    and therefore use
    ; 5-bits of the MODE register. The· MOV M,W instruction modifies all
    8-bits of the
    ; MODE register, so this instruction must be used on the SX48/52BD to
    make sure the MODE
    ; register is written with the correct value. This macro fixes this.
    ; So, instead of using the MODE or MOV M,# instructions to load the M
    register, use
    ;· _mode instead.


    _mode macro 1

    · noexpand
    IFDEF SX48_52
    · expand
    mov w,#\1·········· ;loads the M register correctly for the SX48BD
    and SX52BD
    mov m,w
    · noexpand
    · expand
    mov m,#\1··· ;loads the M register correctly for the SX18AC, SX20AC
    ;and SX28AC
    · noexpand


    ······· ; INCP/DECP macros for incrementing/decrementing pointers to
    ······· ; used to compensate for incompatibilities between SX28AC and


    INCP macro 1 ; Increments a pointer to RAM
    inc··· \1
    IFNDEF SX48_52
    setb· \1.4 ; If SX18 or SX28AC,keep bit 4 of the pointer = 1
    ENDIF ; to jump from $1f to $30,etc

    DECP macro 1 ; Decrements a pointer to RAM
    IFDEF SX48_52
    dec··· \1
    clrb·· \1.4 ; If SX18 or SX28AC, forces rollover to next bank
    dec··· \1 ; if it rolls over. (skips banks with bit 4 = 0)
    setb·· \1.4············ ; Eg: $30 ---> $20 ---> $1f ---> $1f
    ENDIF·························· ; AND: $31 ---> $21 ---> $20 ---> $30

    ······· ; Error generating macros
    ······· ; Used to generate an error message if the label is
    intentionally moved into the second page.
    ······· ; Use for lookup tables.


    tablestart macro 0 ; Generates an error message if code that MUST be
    ; the first half of a page is moved into the second half
    if $ & $100
    ERROR····· 'Must be located in the first half of a page.'

    tableEnd macro 0 ; Generates an error message if code that MUST be in
    ; the first half of a page is moved into the second half

    if $ & $100
    ERROR····· 'Must be located in the first half of a page.'

    Memory Organization

    Data Memory address
    ; These definitions ensure the proper address is used for banks 0 - 7
    for 2K SX devices
    ; (SX28) and 4K SX devices (SX48/52).

    IFDEF SX48_52

    global_org = $0A
    bank0_org = $00
    bank1_org = $10
    bank2_org = $20
    bank3_org = $30
    bank4_org = $40
    bank5_org = $50
    bank6_org = $60
    bank7_org = $70


    global_org = $08
    bank0_org = $10
    bank1_org = $30
    bank2_org = $50
    bank3_org = $70
    bank4_org = $90
    bank5_org = $B0
    bank6_org = $D0
    bank7_org = $F0


    Global Register
    ; NOTE: Global data memory starts at $0A on SX48/52 and $08 on

    org···· global_org

    flags0 equ global_org + 0 ; stores bit-wise operators like flags
    ; and function-enabling bits (semaphores)
    VP: RS232
    rs232Tx1Flag equ flags0.0 ;indicates that UART1 is transmitting if set
    or not transmitting if reset
    rs232Tx2Flag equ flags0.1 ;indicates that UART2 is transmitting if set
    or not transmitting if reset
    rs232Rx1Flag equ flags0.2 ;indicates that UART1 has received a byte if
    rs232Rx2Flag equ flags0.3 ;indicates that UART2 has received a byte if

    isrTemp0 equ global_org + 1 ; Interrupt Service Routine's temp
    ; Don't use this register in the mainline.

    localTemp0 equ global_org + 2 ; temporary storage register
    ; Used by first level of nesting
    ; Never guaranteed to maintain data

    localTemp1 equ global_org + 3 ; temporary storage register
    ; Used by second level of nesting
    ; or when a routine needs more than one
    ; temporary global register.

    localTemp2 equ global_org + 4 ; temporary storage register
    ; Used by third level of nesting or by
    ; main loop routines that need a loop
    ; counter, etc.

    RAM Bank Register

    ; Bank 0


    org···· bank0_org

    bank0 = $

    ; Bank 1


    org···· bank1_org

    bank1 = $
    rs232TxBank =······ $ ;UART Transmit bank
    rs232Tx1High ds····· 1 ;High Byte to be· transmitted
    rs232Tx1Low ds····· 1 ;Low· Byte to be transmitted
    rs232Tx1Count ds····· 1 ;counter to keep track of the bits sent
    rs232Tx1Divide ds····· 1 ;xmit timing counter
    rs232Tx1Byte ds 1 ;store the byte to be sent in this buffer

    rs232Tx2High ds····· 1 ;High Byte to be· transmitted
    rs232Tx2Low ds····· 1 ;Low· Byte to be transmitted
    rs232Tx2Count ds····· 1 ;counter to keep track of the bits sent
    rs232Tx2Divide ds····· 1 ;xmit timing counter
    rs232Tx2Byte ds 1 ;store the byte to be sent in this buffer

    MultiplexBank = $ ;Multipler Bank
    isrMultiplex · ds····· 1· ;Used to jump between the ISR Threads when
    ; an Interrupt occurs

    ; Bank 2


    org···· bank2_org

    bank2 = $
    rs232RxBank = $

    rs232Rx1Count ds····· 1 ;counter to keep track of the number of bits
    rs232Rx1Divide ds····· 1 ;receive timing counter
    rs232Rx1Byte ds····· 1 ;buffer for incoming byte
    rs232Byte1 ds 1 ;Used by serial routines

    rs232Rx2Count ds····· 1 ;counter to keep track of the number of bits
    rs232Rx2Divide ds····· 1 ;receive timing counter
    rs232Rx2Byte ds····· 1 ;buffer for incoming byte
    rs232Byte2 ds 1 ;used by serial routines

    ; Bank 3


    org···· bank3_org

    bank3 = $

    ; Bank 4


    org···· bank4_org

    bank4 = $

    ; Bank 5


    org···· bank5_org

    bank5 = $

    ; Bank 6


    org···· bank6_org

    bank6 = $

    ; Bank 7


    org···· bank7_org

    bank7 = $

    IFDEF SX48_52

    ; Bank 8


    org $80 ;bank 8 address on SX52

    bank8 = $

    ; Bank 9


    org $90 ;bank 9 address on SX52

    bank9 = $

    ; Bank A


    org $A0 ;bank A address on SX52

    bankA = $

    ; Bank B


    org $B0 ;bank B address on SX52

    bankB = $

    ; Bank C


    org $C0 ;bank C address on SX52

    bankC = $

    ; Bank D


    org $D0 ;bank D address on SX52

    bankD = $

    ; Bank E


    org $E0 ;bank E address on SX52

    bankE = $

    ; Bank F


    org $F0 ;bank F address on SX52

    bankF = $


    Port Assignment

    RA_latch equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port A latch init ;intial value
    after reset
    RA_DDIR equ %11111111 ;SX28/48/52 port A DDIR value ;0=Output,1=Input
    RA_LVL equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port A LVL value ;0=CMOS,1=TTL
    RA_PLP equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port A PLP value ;0=Enable,1=Disable

    RB_latch equ %10001000 ;SX28/48/52 port B latch init ;intial value
    after reset
    RB_DDIR equ %01110111 ;SX28/48/52 port B DDIR value ;0=Output,1=Input
    RB_ST equ %11111111 ;SX28/48/52 port B ST value ;0=Enable,1=Disable
    RB_LVL equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port B LVL value ;0=CMOS,1=TTL
    RB_PLP equ %11001100 ;SX28/48/52 port B PLP value ;0=Enable,1=Disable

    RC_latch equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port C latch init ;intial value
    after reset
    RC_DDIR equ %11111111 ;SX28/48/52 port C DDIR value ;0=Output,1=Input
    RC_ST equ %11111111 ;SX28/48/52 port C ST value ;0=Enable,1=Disable
    RC_LVL equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port C LVL value ;0=CMOS,1=TTL
    RC_PLP equ %00000000 ;SX28/48/52 port C PLP value ;0=Enable,1=Disable

    IFDEF SX48_52

    RD_latch equ %00000000 ;SX48/52 port D latch init ;intial value after
    RD_DDIR equ %11111111 ;SX48/52 port D DDIR value ;0=Output,1=Input
    RD_ST equ %11111111 ;SX48/52 port D ST value ;0=Enable,1=Disable
    RD_LVL equ %00000000 ;SX48/52 port D LVL value ;0=CMOS,1=TTL
    RD_PLP equ %00000000 ;SX48/52 port D PLP value ;0=Enable,1=Disable

    RE_latch equ %00000000 ;SX48/52 port E latch init ;intial value after
    RE_DDIR equ %11111111 ;SX48/52 port E DDIR value ;0=Output,1=Input
    RE_ST equ %11111111 ;SX48/52 port E ST value ;0=Enable,1=Disable
    RE_LVL equ %00000000 ;SX48/52 port E LVL value ;0=CMOS,1=TTL
    RE_PLP equ %00000000 ;SX48/52 port E PLP value ;0=Enable,1=Disable


    Pin Definitions

    rs232Rxpin1····· equ···· rb.6 ;UART1 receive input
    rs232Txpin1····· equ···· rb.7 ;UART1 transmit output

    rs232Rxpin2····· equ···· rb.2 ;UART2 receive input
    rs232Txpin2····· equ···· rb.3 ;UART2 transmit output

    Program constants

    ; UART Constants values

    intPeriod = 217

    UARTfs = 230400

    Num = 4 ; Number of times ISR thread1 is called in the
    ; ISRMultiplexer
    IFDEF· U1B1200
    UARTBaud1 = 1200

    IFDEF· U1B2400
    UARTBaud1 = 2400

    IFDEF· U1B4800
    UARTBaud1 = 4800

    IFDEF· U1B9600
    UARTBaud1 = 9600

    IFDEF· U1B1920
    UARTBaud1 = 19200

    IFDEF· U1B5760
    UARTBaud1 = 57600

    UARTDivide1 = (UARTfs/(UARTBaud1*Num)) ;48
    UARTStDelay1 = UARTDivide1 +(UARTDivide1/2)+1

    IFDEF· U2B1200
    UARTBaud2 = 1200

    IFDEF· U2B2400
    UARTBaud2 = 2400

    IFDEF· U2B4800
    UARTBaud2 = 4800

    IFDEF· U2B9600
    UARTBaud2 = 9600

    IFDEF· U2B1920
    UARTBaud2 = 19200

    IFDEF· U2B5760
    UARTBaud2 = 57600

    UARTDivide2 = (UARTfs/(UARTBaud2*Num)) ;6
    UARTStDelay2 = UARTDivide2 +(UARTDivide2/2)+1

    IFDEF SX48_52

    ; SX48BD/52BD Mode addresses
    ; *On SX48BD/52BD, most registers addressed via mode are read and
    write, with the
    ; exception of CMP and WKPND which do an exchange with W.
    Timer (read) addresses

    TCPL_R equ $00 ;Read Timer Capture register low byte
    TCPH_R equ $01 ;Read Timer Capture register high byte
    TR2CML_R equ $02 ;Read Timer R2 low byte
    TR2CMH_R equ $03 ;Read Timer R2 high byte
    TR1CML_R equ $04 ;Read Timer R1 low byte
    TR1CMH_R equ $05 ;Read Timer R1 high byte
    TCNTB_R equ $06 ;Read Timer control register B
    TCNTA_R equ $07 ;Read Timer control register A

    Exchange addresses

    CMP equ $08 ;Exchange Comparator enable/status register with W
    WKPND equ $09 ;Exchange MIWU/RB Interrupts pending with W

    Port setup (read)

    WKED_R equ $0A ;Read MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 1 = falling, 0 =
    WKEN_R equ $0B ;Read MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    ST_R equ $0C ;Read Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    LVL_R equ $0D ;Read Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    PLP_R equ $0E ;Read Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    DDIR_R equ $0F ;Read Port Direction

    Timer (write)

    CLR_TMR equ $10 ;Resets 16-bit Timer
    TR2CML_W equ $12 ;Write Timer R2 low byte
    TR2CMH_W equ $13 ;Write Timer R2 high byte
    TR1CML_W equ $14 ;Write Timer R1 low byte
    TR1CMH_W equ $15 ;Write Timer R1 high byte
    TCNTB_W equ $16 ;Write Timer control register B
    TCNTA_W equ $17 ;Write Timer control register A

    Port setup (write)

    WKED_W equ $1A ;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 1 = falling, 0 =
    WKEN_W equ $1B ;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    ST_W equ $1C ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    LVL_W equ $1D ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    PLP_W equ $1E ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    DDIR_W equ $1F ;Write Port Direction


    ; SX28AC Mode addresses
    ; *On SX28, all registers addressed via mode are write only, with the
    exception of
    ; CMP and WKPND which do an exchange with W.


    CMP equ $08 ;Exchange Comparator enable/status register with W
    WKPND equ $09 ;Exchange MIWU/RB Interrupts pending with W

    Port setup (read)

    WKED_W equ $0A ;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 1 = falling, 0 =
    WKEN_W equ $0B ;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    ST_W equ $0C ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    LVL_W equ $0D ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    PLP_W equ $0E ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 =
    DDIR_W equ $0F ;Write Port Direction


    Program memory ORG defines

    INTERRUPT_ORG equ $0 ; Interrupt must always start at location zero
    RESETENTRY_ORG equ $1FB ; The program will jump here on reset
    SUBROUTINES_ORG equ $200 ; The subroutines are in this location
    STRINGS_ORG equ $300 ; The strings are in the location $300
    PAGE3_ORG equ $400 ; Page 3 is empty
    MAINPROGRAM_ORG equ $600 ; The main program is in the lastpage of
    program memory

    org INTERRUPT_ORG······· ; First location in program memory.

    Interrupt Service Routine
    ; Note 1: The interrupt code must always originate at address $0.
    ; · Interrupt Frequency = (Cycle Frequency / -(retiw value))·
    ; · For example: With a retiw value of -217 and an oscillator frequency
    ; · of 50MHz, this code runs every 4.32us.
    ; Note 2: Mode Register 'M' is not saved in SX 28 but saved in SX 52
    when an Interrupt
    ; · occurs. If the code is to run on a SX 28 and 'M' register is used
    in the ISR,
    ; · then the 'M' register has to be saved at the Start of ISR and
    restored at the
    ; · End of ISR.
    org···· $0
    interrupt ;3

    ; Interrupt
    ; Interrupt Frequency = (Cycle Frequency / -(retiw value))· For
    ; With a retiw value of -217 and an oscillator frequency of 50MHz, this
    code runs
    ; every 4.32us.

    ; Virtual Peripheral Multitasker : up to 16 individual threads, each
    running at the
    ; (interrupt rate/16). Change them below:
    ;Input variable(s): isrmultiplex: variable used to choose threads
    ;Output variable(s): None,executes the next thread
    ;Variable(s) affected: isrmultiplex
    ;Flag(s) affected: None
    ;Program Cycles: 9 cycles (turbo mode)

    ··············· _bank········· Multiplexbank······· ;
    ··············· inc··········· isrMultiplex········ ; toggle interrupt
    ··············· mov··········· w,isrMultiplex······ ;

    ; The code between the tableStart and tableEnd statements MUST be
    completely within the first
    ; half of a page. The routines it is jumping to must be in the same
    page as this table.

    ········ tableStart································ ; Start all tables
    with this macro
    ··············· jmp··········· pc+w················ ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread1·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread2·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread3·········· ;·
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread4·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread1·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread5·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread6·········· ;·
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread7·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread1·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread8·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread9·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread10········· ;·
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread1·········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread11········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread12········· ;
    ··············· jmp··········· isrThread13········· ;
    ········ tableEnd·································· ; End all tables
    with this macro.··

    ;VP: VP Multitasker

    isrThread1········································· ; Serviced at ISR

    ; Virtual Peripheral: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
    (UART) These routines send
    ; and receive RS232 serial data, and are currently configured (though
    modifications can be
    ; made) for the popular "No parity-checking, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit"
    (N,8,1) data format.
    ; The VP below has 2 UARTS implemented - UART1 & UART2. Both the UARTs
    can work at independent
    ; Baud Rates.
    ; RECEIVING: The rs232Rx1flag & rs232Rx2flag are set high whenever a
    valid byte of data has
    ; been received and it is the calling routine's responsibility to reset
    this flag once the
    ; incoming data has been collected.
    ; TRANSMITTING: The transmit routine requires the data to be inverted
    and loaded
    ; (rs232Txhigh+rs232Txlow) register pair (with the inverted 8 data bits
    stored in
    ; rs232Txhigh and rs232Txlow bit 7 set high to act as a start bit).
    Then the number of bits
    ; ready for transmission (10=1 start + 8 data + 1 stop) must be loaded
    into the rs232Txcount
    ; register. As soon as this latter is done, the transmit routine
    immediately begins sending
    ; the data. This routine has a varying execution rate and therefore
    should always be
    ; placed after any timing-critical virtual peripherals such as timers,
    ; adcs, pwms, etc.
    ; Note: The transmit and receive routines are independent and either
    may be removed for each
    ; of the UARTs. The initial "_bank rs232TxBank" & "_bank rs232RxBank"
    ; instruction is kept for Transmit & Receive routines.
    ;······ Input variable(s) : rs232Tx1Low (only high bit used),
    rs232Tx1High, rs232Tx1Count
    ; If rs232Tx1Flag SET, then transmit on UART1
    ; rs232Tx2Low (only high bit used), rs232Tx2High, rs232Tx2Count
    ; If rs232Tx2Flag SET, then transmit on UART2
    ;······ Output variable(s) : rs232Rx1Flag, rs232Rx1Byte
    ; rs232Rx2Flag, rs232Rx2Byte
    ;······ Variable(s) affected : rs232Tx1Divide, rs232Rx1Divide,
    ; rs232Tx2Divide, rs232Rx2Divide, rs232Rx2Count
    ;······ Flag(s) affected : rs232Tx1Flag, rs232Tx2Flag
    ; rs232Rx1Flag, rs232Rx1Flag
    ; Program cycles: 22 worst case for Tx, 23 worst case for Rx
    ; Variable Length?· Yes.
    _bank rs232TxBank ;2 switch to serial register bank

    sb rs232Tx1FLag ;1
    jmp rs232Receive1 ;1
    decsz rs232Tx1Divide ;1 only execute the transmit routine
    jmp rs232Receive1 ;1
    mov w,#UARTDivide1 ;1 load UART1 baud rate (50MHz)
    mov rs232Tx1Divide,w ;1·
    test··· rs232Tx1Count ;1 are we sending?
    snz ;1·
    jmp rs232Receive1 ;1

    :txbit clc···························· ;1 yes, ready stop bit
    rr····· rs232Tx1High ;1· and shift to next bit
    rr····· rs232Tx1Low ;1·
    dec···· rs232Tx1Count ;1 decrement bit counter
    snb rs232Tx1Low.6 ;1 output next bit
    clrb rs232TxPin1 ;1·
    sb rs232Tx1Low.6 ;1·
    setb rs232TxPin1 ;1·
    test··· rs232Tx1Count ;1 are we sending?
    snz ;1·
    clrb rs232Tx1Flag ;1,22

    _bank rs232RxBank ;2
    ······· sb rs232RxPin1 ;1 get current rx bit
    ······· clc ;1·
    ······· snb rs232RxPin1 ;1·
    ······· stc ;1·
    test··· rs232Rx1Count·········· ;1 currently receiving byte?
    sz ;1·
    jmp :rxbit················· ;1 if so, jump ahead
    mov···· w,#9··················· ;1 in case start, ready 9 bits

    mov···· rs232Rx1Count,w ;1 it is, so renew bit count
    mov···· w,#UARTStDelay1 ;1 ready 1.5 bit periods (50MHz)
    mov···· rs232Rx1Divide,w ;1·
    :rxbit········· decsz rs232Rx1Divide ;1 middle of next bit?
    ········· jmp :rs232RxOut1 ;1
    mov w,#UARTDivide1 ;1 yes, ready 1 bit period (50MHz)
    mov rs232Rx1Divide,w ;1·
    dec···· rs232Rx1Count·········· ;1 last bit?
    sz····························· ;1 if not
    rr····· rs232Rx1Byte··········· ;1· then save bit
    snz···························· ;1 if so,
    setb··· rs232Rx1Flag·········· ;1,23· then set flag

    _bank rs232TxBank ;2 switch to serial register bank
    sb rs232Tx2flag ;1
    jmp rs232Receive2 ;1
    decsz rs232Tx2Divide ;1 only execute the transmit routine
    jmp rs232Receive2 ;1
    mov w,#UARTDivide2 ;1 load UART2 baud rate (50MHz)
    mov rs232Tx2Divide,w ;1·
    test··· rs232Tx2Count ;1 are we sending?
    snz ;1
    jmp rs232Receive2 ;1

    :txbit stc···························· ;1 yes, ready stop bit
    rr····· rs232Tx2High ;1· and shift to next bit
    rr····· rs232Tx2Low ;1·
    dec···· rs232Tx2Count ;1 decrement bit counter
    snb rs232Tx2Low.6 ;1 output next bit
    clrb rs232TxPin2 ;1·
    sb rs232Tx2Low.6 ;1·
    setb rs232TxPin2 ;1·
    test··· rs232Tx2Count ;1 are we sending?
    snz ;1·
    clrb rs232Tx2Flag ;1,22

    _bank rs232RxBank ;2
    ······· sb rs232RxPin2 ;1 get current rx bit
    ······· clc ;1·
    ······· snb rs232RxPin2 ;1·
    ······· stc ;1·
    test··· rs232Rx2Count·········· ;1 currently receiving byte?
    sz ;1·
    jmp :rxbit················· ;1 if so, jump ahead
    mov···· w,#9··················· ;1 in case start, ready 9 bits
    sc ;1 skip ahead if not start bit
    mov···· rs232Rx2Count,w ;1 it is, so renew bit count
    mov···· w,#UARTStDelay2 ;1 ready 1.5 bit periods (50MHz)
    mov···· rs232Rx2Divide,w ;1·
    :rxbit········· decsz rs232Rx2Divide ;1 middle of next bit?
    ········· jmp :rs232RxOut2 ;1
    mov w,#UARTDivide2 ;1 yes, ready 1 bit period (50MHz)
    mov rs232Rx2Divide,w ;1·
    dec···· rs232Rx2Count·········· ;1 last bit?
    sz····························· ;1 if not
    rr····· rs232Rx2Byte··········· ;1· then save bit
    snz···························· ;1 if so,
    setb··· rs232Rx2Flag·········· ;1,23· then set flag


    ;===================================== PUT YOUR OWN VPs
    ; Virtual Peripheral:
    ; Input variable(s):
    ; Output variable(s):
    ; Variable(s) affected:
    ; Flag(s) affected:
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread2 ; Serviced at ISR rate/16
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread3····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread4····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread5····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread6····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread7····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread8····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread9····································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread10···································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread11···································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread12···································· ; Serviced at ISR
    jmp isrOut ; 7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
    isrThread13···································· ; Serviced at ISR
    ·············································· ; This thread must
    reload the isrMultiplex register
    ·············· _bank Multiplexbank
    ··············· mov isrMultiplex,#255 ;reload isrMultiplex so
    isrThread1 will be run on the
    ··············································· ; next interrupt.
    ··············· jmp isrOut·········· ; 7 cycles until mainline program
    resumes execution
    ; This thread must reload the isrMultiplex register
    ··············································· ; since it is the last
    one to run in a rotation.

    ; Set Interrupt Rate

    mov w,#intPeriod ;refresh RTCC on return
    ;(RTCC = 217, no. of instructions executed in the ISR)
    retiw ;return from the interrupt

    ; End of the Interrupt Service Routine




    resetEntry ; Program starts here on power-up
    ·· page _resetEntry
    jmp _resetEntry



    ; Function : getbyte
    ; INPUTS : rs232RX1Flag,rs232Rx2Flag
    ; OUTPUTS : Received byte in rs232Rx1Byte or rs232Rx2Byte
    ; Get byte via serial port and echo it back to the serial port

    _bank rs232RxBank ; switch to rs232 bank
    sb rs232RX1Flag ; check if byte has been received by UART1
    jmp getbyte2
    clrb··· rs232Rx1Flag ; reset the receive flag
    mov···· w,rs232Rx1Byte ; store byte (copy using W)
    mov rs232Byte1,w

    getbyte2 sb rs232Rx2Flag ; check if byte has been received by UART2
    jmp [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut
    clrb··· rs232Rx2Flag
    mov w,rs232Rx2Byte
    mov rs232Byte2,w
    [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut retp

    ; Function : sendbyte
    ; INPUTS : rs232Tx1Flag set, rs232Tx1Byte - the byte to be sent via
    ; · rs232Tx2Flag set, rs232Tx2Byte- the byte to be sent via UART2
    ; OUTPUTS : Outputs The byte via RS-232 UART1/UART2
    ; Send byte via serial port
    ; Note: Before calling a sendbyte in Main, it should be ensured that
    ; ····· flag of the UART rs232Tx1Flag/rs232Tx2Flag is CLEAR, and if
    clear then a
    ; ····· byte can be sent, then the respective UART flag must be SET.

    _bank··· rs232TxBank
    test rs232Tx1Count
    jmp sendbyte2

    sb rs232Tx1Flag
    jmp sendbyte2

    ···· mov w,rs232Tx1Byte
    not···· w ; ready bits (inverse logic)
    mov···· rs232Tx1High,w········· ; store data byte
    setb··· rs232Tx1Low.7·········· ; set up start bit
    mov···· w,#10 ; 1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
    mov···· rs232Tx1Count,w

    sendbyte2 test rs232Tx2Count
    jmp sendbyte1

    sb rs232Tx2Flag
    jmp [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut

    mov w,rs232Tx2Byte
    not w
    mov···· rs232Tx2High,w········· ; store data byte
    setb··· rs232Tx2Low.7·········· ; set up start bit
    mov···· w,#10 ; 1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
    mov···· rs232Tx2Count,w
    [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut retp··························· ; leave and fix page bits

    ; Function : sendstring1
    ; · Care should be taken that the srings are located within program
    ; · memory locations $300-$3ff as the area
    ; INPUTS : 'w', The address of a null-terminated string in program
    ; OUTPUTS : outputs the string via RS-232 UART1
    ; Send string pointed to by address in W register
    ; Note: This routine is a locking routine in the sense that the
    function returns
    ; to 'main' (the calling function) only after all the bytes of the
    ; are transmitted (until 00H is encountered).
    sendstring1 _bank rs232TxBank
    mov···· localTemp1,w··········· ; store string address

    :string test rs232Tx1Count
    jmp :string

    setb rs232Tx1Flag ; SET flag for UART1
    mov w,#STRINGS_ORG>>8 ; with indirect addressing
    mov m,w
    mov···· w,localTemp1··········· ; read next string character
    iread·························· ; using the mode register
    test··· w······················ ; are we at the last char?
    snz···························· ; if not=0, skip ahead
    jmp [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut··················· ; yes, leave & fix page bits
    _bank rs232TxBank
    mov rs232Tx1Byte,w
    call··· sendByte1············· ; not 0, so send character
    _bank rs232TxBank
    inc···· localTemp1············· ; point to next character
    jmp···· :string············ ; loop until done

    [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut clrb rs232Tx1Flag
    mov w,#$1F ; reset the mode register
    mov m,w

    ; Function : sendstring2
    ; · Care should be taken that the srings are located within program
    ; · memory locations $300-$3ff as the area
    ; INPUTS : 'w', The address of a null-terminated string in program
    ; OUTPUTS : outputs the string via RS-232 UART2
    ; Send string pointed to by address in W register
    ; Note: This routine is a locking routine in the sense that the
    function returns
    ; to 'main' (the calling function) only after all the bytes of the
    ; are transmitted (until 00H is encountered).

    sendstring2 _bank rs232TxBank
    mov···· localTemp1,w·········· ; store string address

    :string test rs232Tx2Count
    jmp :string

    setb rs232Tx2Flag ; SET flag for UART2
    mov w,#STRINGS_ORG>>8 ; with indirect addressing
    mov m,w
    mov···· w,localTemp1··········· ; read next string character
    iread·························· ; using the mode register
    test··· w······················ ; are we at the last char?
    snz···························· ; if not=0, skip ahead
    jmp [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut··················· ; yes, leave & fix page bits
    _bank rs232TxBank
    mov rs232Tx2Byte,w
    call··· sendByte2·············· ; not 0, so send character
    _bank rs232TxBank
    inc···· localTemp1············· ; point to next character
    jmp···· :string············ ; loop until done

    [noparse]:o[/noparse]ut clrb rs232Tx2Flag
    mov w,#$1F ; reset the mode register
    mov m,w

    org··· STRINGS_ORG···· ; This label defines where strings are kept in
    program space.

    String Data

    ;VP: RS232 Transmit

    _welcome dw 191, 7, 131, 140, 7, 198, 7, 148, 7, 134, 8, 191, 139, 148,
    _zero dw 167, 7, 128, 7, 149, 164, 0
    _one dw 147, 14, 136, 8, 141, 0
    _two dw 8, 191, 162, 0
    _three dw 8, 190, 148, 8, 128, 0
    _four dw 186, 7, 137, 153, 0
    _five dw 186, 157, 166, 0
    _six dw 8, 187, 129, 14, 194, 7, 187, 0
    _seven dw 8, 187, 7, 131, 166, 131, 141, 0
    _eight dw 154, 4, 191, 0
    _nine dw 141, 14, 157, 141, 0
    _point dw 7, 199, 7, 156, 15, 141, 15, 191, 0
    _desee dw 8, 174, 128, 128, 5, 6, 8, 187, 128, 128, 0
    _asee dw 8, 154, 1, 6, 8, 187, 26, 2, 128, 128, 0
    _volts dw 166, 26, 1, 164, 26, 1, 146, 193, 0
    _amps dw 133, 133, 140, 140, 199, 199, 8, 193, 0
    _temper dw 191, 7, 131, 140, 7, 0, 198, 7, 148, 7, 134, 8, 191, 139,
    _milli dw 140, 129, 145, 145, 128, 128, 0
    _micro dw 140, 140, 157, 196, 196, 7, 148, 136, 8, 137, 0
    _kilo dw 194, 7, 128, 14, 146, 137, 0
    _mega dw 22, 88, 23, 5,0
    _nano dw 14, 141, 7, 131, 0, 141, 141, 164,0
    _hertz dw 183, 14, 148, 191, 193, 0
    _negative dw 141, 130, 178, 133, 191, 129, 166, 0
    _henries dw 184, 131, 131, 141, 141, 148, 148, 128, 15, 193, 0
    _celcius dw 187, 130, 145, 187, 7, 128, 7, 134, 187, 0
    _farad dw 186, 186, 132, 132, 14, 148, 132, 132, 15, 175, 187, 0
    _cap dw 7, 195, 132, 132, 0, 199, 0, 132, 187, 129, 191, 132, 141,
    187, 0

    org PAGE3_ORG
    jmp $

    Main Program
    ; Program execution begins here on power-up or after a reset


    Initialise all port configuration

    _mode ST_W ;point MODE to write ST register
    mov···· w,#RB_ST··········· ;Setup RB Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled,
    1 = disabled
    mov !rb,w
    mov···· w,#RC_ST··········· ;Setup RC Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled,
    1 = disabled
    mov !rc,w
    IFDEF SX48_52
    mov···· w,#RD_ST··········· ;Setup RD Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled,
    1 = disabled
    mov !rd,w
    mov···· w,#RE_ST··········· ;Setup RE Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled,
    1 = disabled
    mov !re,w
    _mode LVL_W ;point MODE to write LVL register
    mov···· w,#RA_LVL··········· ;Setup RA CMOS or TTL levels, 1 = TTL,
    0 = CMOS
    mov !ra,w
    mov···· w,#RB_LVL··········· ;Setup RB CMOS or TTL levels, 1 = TTL,
    0 = CMOS
    mov !rb,w
    mov···· w,#RC_LVL··········· ;Setup RC CMOS or TTL levels, 1 = TTL,
    0 = CMOS
    mov !rc,w
    IFDEF SX48_52
    mov···· w,#RD_LVL··········· ;Setup RD CMOS or TTL levels, 1 = TTL,
    0 = CMOS
    mov !rd,w
    mov···· w,#RE_LVL··········· ;Setup RE CMOS or TTL levels, 1 = TTL,
    0 = CMOS
    mov !re,w
    _mode PLP_W ;point MODE to write PLP register
    mov···· w,#RA_PLP··········· ;Setup RA Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1
    = disabled
    mov !ra,w
    mov···· w,#RB_PLP··········· ;Setup RB Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1
    = disabled
    mov !rb,w
    mov···· w,#RC_PLP··········· ;Setup RC Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1
    = disabled
    mov !rc,w
    IFDEF SX48_52
    mov···· w,#RD_PLP··········· ;Setup RD Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1
    = disabled
    mov !rd,w
    mov···· w,#RE_PLP··········· ;Setup RE Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1
    = disabled
    mov !re,w
    _mode DDIR_W ;point MODE to write DDIR register
    mov w,#RA_DDIR ;Setup RA Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
    mov !ra,w
    mov w,#RB_DDIR ;Setup RB Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
    mov !rb,w
    mov w,#RC_DDIR ;Setup RC Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
    mov !rc,w
    IFDEF SX48_52
    mov w,#RD_DDIR ;Setup RD Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
    mov !rd,w
    mov w,#RE_DDIR ;Setup RE Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
    mov !re,w
    mov···· w,#RA_latch········· ;Initialize RA data latch
    mov···· ra,w
    mov···· w,#RB_latch········ ;Initialize RB data latch
    mov···· rb,w
    mov···· w,#RC_latch········· ;Initialize RC data latch
    mov···· rc,w
    IFDEF SX48_52
    mov···· w,#RD_latch········ ;Initialize RD data latch
    mov···· rd,w
    mov···· w,#RE_latch········ ;Initialize RE data latch
    mov···· re,w

    Clear all Data RAM

    IFDEF SX48_52·· ;SX48/52 RAM clear routine
    mov w,#$0a ;reset all ram starting at $0A
    mov fsr,w
    :zeroRam clr ind ;clear using indirect addressing
    incsz fsr ;repeat until done
    jmp :zeroRam

    _bank bank0 ;clear bank 0 registers
    clr $10
    clr $11
    clr $12
    clr $13
    clr $14
    clr $15
    clr $16
    clr $17
    clr $18
    clr $19
    clr $1a
    clr $1b
    clr $1c
    clr $1d
    clr $1e
    clr $1f

    ELSE···· ;SX18/20/28 RAM clear routine
    clr fsr ;reset all ram banks
    :zeroRam sb fsr.4 ;are we on low half of bank?
    setb fsr.3 ; To clear from 08 - Global Registers
    clr ind ;clear using indirect addressing
    incsz fsr ;repeat until done
    jmp :zeroRam

    ; Initialize program/VP registers

    _bank rs232TxBank ;select rs232 bank
    mov w,#UARTDivide1 ;load rs232Tx1Divide with UART1 baud rate
    mov rs232Tx1Divide,w

    mov w,#UARTDivide2 ;load rs232Tx1Divide with UART2 baud rate
    mov rs232Tx1Divide,w

    ; Setup and enable RTCC interrupt, WREG register, RTCC/WDT prescaler

    RTCC_ON = %10000000 ;Enables RTCC at address $01 (RTW hi)
    ;*WREG at address $01 (RTW lo) by default
    RTCC_ID = %01000000 ;Disables RTCC edge interrupt (RTE_IE hi)
    ;*RTCC edge interrupt (RTE_IE lo) enabled by default
    RTCC_INC_EXT = %00100000 ;Sets RTCC increment on RTCC pin transition
    (RTS hi)
    ;*RTCC increment on internal instruction (RTS lo) is default
    RTCC_FE = %00010000 ;Sets RTCC to increment on falling edge (RTE_ES
    ;*RTCC to increment on rising edge (RTE_ES lo) is default
    RTCC_PS_ON = %00000000 ;Assigns prescaler to RTCC (PSA lo)
    RTCC_PS_OFF = %00001000 ;Assigns prescaler to WDT (PSA hi)
    PS_000 = %00000000 ;RTCC = 1:2, WDT = 1:1
    PS_001 = %00000001 ;RTCC = 1:4, WDT = 1:2
    PS_010 = %00000010 ;RTCC = 1:8, WDT = 1:4
    PS_011 = %00000011 ;RTCC = 1:16, WDT = 1:8
    PS_100 = %00000100 ;RTCC = 1:32, WDT = 1:16
    PS_101 = %00000101 ;RTCC = 1:64, WDT = 1:32
    PS_110 = %00000110 ;RTCC = 1:128, WDT = 1:64
    PS_111 = %00000111 ;RTCC = 1:256, WDT = 1:128

    OPTIONSETUP equ RTCC_PS_OFF|PS_111 ; the default option setup for this
    mov w,#OPTIONSETUP ; setup option register for RTCC interrupts
    mov !option,w ; and prescaler assigned to WDT.
    jmp @mainLoop



    mov w, #_welcome
    setb rs232Tx1Flag
    call @sendstring2

    jmp mainloop1

    call getbyte1 ; Get a Byte
    _bank rs232RxBank

    cje rs232Byte1,#'D',:desee
    cje rs232Byte1,#'A',:asee
    cje rs232Byte1,#'-',:negative
    cje rs232Byte1,#'1',[noparse]:o[/noparse]ne
    cje rs232Byte1,#'2',:two
    cje rs232Byte1,#'3',:three
    cje rs232Byte1,#'4',:four
    cje rs232Byte1,#'5',:five
    cje rs232Byte1,#'6',:six
    cje rs232Byte1,#'7',:seven
    cje rs232Byte1,#'8',:eight
    cje rs232Byte1,#'9',:nine
    cje rs232Byte1,#'.',[noparse]:p[/noparse]oint
    cje rs232Byte1,#'0',:zero
    cje rs232Byte1,#'n',:nano
    cje rs232Byte1,#'u',:micro
    cje rs232Byte1,#'m',:milli
    cje rs232Byte1,#'M',:mega
    cje rs232Byte1,#'k',:kilo
    cje rs232Byte1,#'V',:volts
    cje rs232Byte1,#'A',:amps
    cje rs232Byte1,#'T',:temper
    cje rs232Byte1,#'H',:hertz
    cje rs232Byte1,#'C',:compare
    cje rs232Byte1,#'F',:farad

    mov w,#_asee
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_desee
    call @sendstring2
    call getbyte1
    cje rs232Byte1,#'a',:cap
    mov w,#_celcius
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_cap
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_temper
    call @sendstring2

    mov w,#_one
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_two
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_three
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_four
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_five
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_six
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_seven
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_eight
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_nine
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_zero
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_point
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_kilo
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_nano
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_mega
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_milli
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_micro
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_amps
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_negative
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_farad
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_volts
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_hertz
    call @sendstring2
    mov w,#_henries
    call @sendstring2

    clr rs232Byte1
    jmp mainloop1
    jmp $ ; If program get stuck here, then you have not
    ; selected TEST1 or TEST2 at the beginning of
    ; the source code.

    END ;End of program code
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-04-06 05:24
    ok here is the reprint of the section

    mov w,#STRINGS_ORG>>8 ; with indirect addressing
    mov m,w
    mov···· w,localTemp1··········· ; read next string character
    iread·························· ; using the mode register

    this is an IREAD sequence, which takes an address m:w and returns the 12bit value stored at that·address into m:w, the first line is storing the 4 most significant bits of the address STRINGS_ORG (a 12 bit address) into w, moved into m, the offset localTemp1 is placed for the lower 8 bits to form the complete address.
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