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Help with Homebot sensors!! — Parallax Forums

Help with Homebot sensors!!

Fernando =PFernando =P Posts: 1
edited 2005-04-05 00:08 in BASIC Stamp
hello all, as my nick says, i'm a noob at this! yeah! =) well im chilean and i got a hombebot a time ago and... i found it very interesting.

It was very funny to give it orders but, a day.. i found three "wires" and i said"what's this?". I finally got that they are sensors(really don`t know if its the correct way to say it, forgive me for that if it doesnt)and well...
i'll aprecciate a lot u if u can give me information or some indications to put them on [noparse];)[/noparse]

i have a tact sensor, a "light" sensor(i know thats not the word, but its some thing with light [noparse];)[/noparse]) and a ultrasonic sensor.

forgive me too if i put this post in the wrong place...but i was in a hurry =P

thank u for ur comprension (considerating than i have only 15 years old and it makes me some difficult to write on english)

Thank You Again!!! =D
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