# of max VP's, includes the debug serial port?!?!
Does the six VP maximum include the VP's needed implictly by the debug serial port? Because I would like to turn off the debugging serial port so that I can use the full 6 for other VP's.
This is not clear in the documentation. THanks.
Does the six VP maximum include the VP's needed implictly by the debug serial port? Because I would like to turn off the debugging serial port so that I can use the full 6 for other VP's.
This is not clear in the documentation. THanks.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
I'll take your word for it, but this seems unlikely.
call Terminal.getchar(), so the IDE terminal program knows when to
send a byte (and you must send a byte, otherwise the javelin
appears to be hanging. as there is no timeout)
The debug port also does not have a 256 byte buffer.
regards peter