Microcontroller instruction set differences
Im currently learning to program the Sx in assembly ,
and recently looked at the PIC range of controllers ..
my question is :
I noticed some slight differences in some of the instructions comparing programs for the PIC and the SX
Is this a compiler difference , or the actual instruction set on the microcontroller ?
I Guess its normal to have to learn a slightly different set when working with different chips ..
and recently looked at the PIC range of controllers ..
my question is :
I noticed some slight differences in some of the instructions comparing programs for the PIC and the SX
Is this a compiler difference , or the actual instruction set on the microcontroller ?
I Guess its normal to have to learn a slightly different set when working with different chips ..
Post Edited (Jonb) : 4/4/2005 1:12:37 PM GMT
Yes, SXList does have a convertor on the site. I have used it a couple of times and found it to be excellent. It's really handy when you find that perfect piece of PIC code and want to use it on the SX. Here's the URL:
hanks, PeterM
I am currently working on a very simple project where the micro must be a dip package and 8 pins max.
So I went to a PIC 12F509.
As previously mentioned, the code nmenonics are similar.
One glaring difference I do see however is documentation. The microchip spec sheet for the device had lots of information on what needs to be done, but little or no information on how to do it.
This is where Parallax shines, the "how to" portion. Free easy to understand examples of "how to".
If you decide you want to try... the search on sxlist.com or google will be your friend.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
Thanks a BUNCH for the code conversion link. It's exactly what I needed now!
I just spent the last 3 days converting some math routines by hand, well actually it's not TOO bad using a spread sheet to sort, then make global grouped instruction changes, but is still takes a ton of time.
This thing just converted 1800 bytes in one second! What a find!
Thanks for sharing.
I thought I had done a good job browsing the SX LIST, but it seems there are a whole more bunch of treasures hidden there.
Guess I better figure out how to run that search engine.
Many thanks all,
Peter (pjv)