SX-Key Debug
I was reading another thread where their was a statement made that '... with the resonator installed, programming works, but a debug session does not work'.
Since I installed SX-Key 3.0 to my XP Home SP 2.0 laptop within the last few days, I thought that I would test this on my new setup.
Using the following program with the resonator installed:
device sx28l,oschs3
device turbo,stackx,optionx
reset 0
freq 50_000_000
mov !rc, #%01111111
·clrb rc.7
·setb rc.7
·jmp Loop
1. First debug, never got past the "programming" window. The session just hung.
2. Second debug, got past "Programming", the debug window shows 'Sleeping', and the Step, Walk, Run, and Poll NOT highlighted. When I hit Reset, nothing happens. The Debug session is not locked up, because when I hit 'Quit', the program quits.
What I expected from debug is, the Step, ..., Poll to be highlighted, and I could do one of those; instead it is 'Sleeping'. If I keep repeating the Debug session, I start to get different outcomes.
On my W2k machine I do not remember getting so many different Debug outcomes from the same program.
The problem, I guess, is that on some ocassions, the Debug session looks normal, maybe leading one to think that their is a software problem. For the begginer, like myself, this could start doing some serious brain damage down the road.
Is anybody else getting the flaky Debug sessions with XP Home SP 2.0? Or is this supposed to be normal.
BTW, with the resonator uninstalled, the debug window shows 'idle' with the Step, Walk, Run highlighted. So, is that the key, when you see: Debug window 'Idle', and Step, Walk, Run highlighted, you are in a normal session? In a plain program/run mode, with or without the resonator, the program works the way it is supposed to.
Since I installed SX-Key 3.0 to my XP Home SP 2.0 laptop within the last few days, I thought that I would test this on my new setup.
Using the following program with the resonator installed:
device sx28l,oschs3
device turbo,stackx,optionx
reset 0
freq 50_000_000
mov !rc, #%01111111
·clrb rc.7
·setb rc.7
·jmp Loop
1. First debug, never got past the "programming" window. The session just hung.
2. Second debug, got past "Programming", the debug window shows 'Sleeping', and the Step, Walk, Run, and Poll NOT highlighted. When I hit Reset, nothing happens. The Debug session is not locked up, because when I hit 'Quit', the program quits.
What I expected from debug is, the Step, ..., Poll to be highlighted, and I could do one of those; instead it is 'Sleeping'. If I keep repeating the Debug session, I start to get different outcomes.
On my W2k machine I do not remember getting so many different Debug outcomes from the same program.
The problem, I guess, is that on some ocassions, the Debug session looks normal, maybe leading one to think that their is a software problem. For the begginer, like myself, this could start doing some serious brain damage down the road.
Is anybody else getting the flaky Debug sessions with XP Home SP 2.0? Or is this supposed to be normal.
BTW, with the resonator uninstalled, the debug window shows 'idle' with the Step, Walk, Run highlighted. So, is that the key, when you see: Debug window 'Idle', and Step, Walk, Run highlighted, you are in a normal session? In a plain program/run mode, with or without the resonator, the program works the way it is supposed to.
The need to remove the resonator is debug is also written in the documentation.
How much more simple could it be?
seems as if you are facing two different problems at the same time.
First, it is known that the recent version of the SXKey-IDE and Win XP don't "like each other too much", i.e. it can happen that progress boxes, like "Programming" remain stuck after programming has ended making you believe that the IDE would hang, although it has correctly transferred the program to the SX.
I think the next version of the SX-Key IDE will have that problem fixed.
Second, when the debugger shows "Sleeping", and Step, Walk, etc. are not enabled, it is most likely that you have a resonator or crystal connected to the OSC1 and OSC2 pins. As you had mentioned in the bedinning of your own post, with a resonator installed, you can program the SX but you can't run a debug session. Therefore, remove the resonator, and try again.
Greetings from Germany,